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Data storage for boundary elements (i.e., facets which coincides with the boundary of mesh)

BoundaryFacetData_ represents the domain boundary elements which are located on the boundary of the domain.

Of course domainFacet elements are located on the mesh's boundary with only difference that these elements do not have slaveCellNumber


TYPE BoundaryFacetData_
INTEGER( I4B ) :: masterCellNumber = 0
INTEGER( I4B ) :: masterLocalFacetID = 0
INTEGER( I4B ) :: elementType = 0
PROCEDURE, PUBLIC, PASS( obj ) :: Display => BoundaryFacetData_Display
END TYPE BoundaryFacetData_

Master cell number.


Local face number in the master cell.


This variable distinguishes between domain boundary element and mesh boundary element.

Implementation details

This data structure is initiated by the method called InitiateFacetElements.

The information is further refined by SetDomainFacetElement from Domain_ class.

Mesh boundary element

A mesh boundary element is a facet element which is located at the mesh's boundary.

Domain boundary element

A domain boundary element is a facet element which is located at the mesh's boundary.