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Mesh datatype is simply a collection of mesh elements.

In EASIFEM mesh is a homogeneous collection of reference elements. All elements in mesh should be of same type (i.e., triangle, quadrangle, tetrahedron, etc.). Two mesh can have different types of elements. For example, we can define a mesh of triangle element or a mesh of tetrahedron element.

TYPE :: Mesh_
LOGICAL(LGT) :: readFromFile = .TRUE.
!! True if the mesh is read from a file
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isInitiated = .FALSE.
!! logical flag denoting for whether mesh data is Initiated or not
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isNodeToElementsInitiated = .FALSE.
!! Node to elements mapping
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isNodeToNodesInitiated = .FALSE.
!! Node to nodes mapping
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isExtraNodeToNodesInitiated = .FALSE.
!! Node to nodes mapping
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isElementToElementsInitiated = .FALSE.
!! Element to elements mapping
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isBoundaryDataInitiated = .FALSE.
!! Boundary data
LOGICAL(LGT), PUBLIC :: isFacetDataInitiated = .FALSE.
!! FacetData
!! TODO: Make isFacetDataInitiated PRIVATE
INTEGER(I4B) :: uid = 0
!! Unique id of the mesh
INTEGER(I4B) :: xidim = 0
!! xidimension of elements present inside the mesh
INTEGER(I4B) :: elemType = 0
!! type of element present inside the mesh
INTEGER(I4B) :: nsd = 0
!! number of spatial dimension of the mesh
INTEGER(I4B), PUBLIC :: maxNptrs = 0
!! largest node number present inside the mesh
INTEGER(I4B), PUBLIC :: minNptrs = 0
!! minimum node number present inside the mesh
INTEGER(I4B), PUBLIC :: maxElemNum = 0
!! largest element number present inside the mesh
INTEGER(I4B), PUBLIC :: minElemNum = 0
!! minimum element number present inside the mesh
INTEGER(I4B) :: tNodes = 0
!! total number of nodes present inside the mesh
INTEGER(I4B) :: tIntNodes = 0
!! total number of internal nodes inside the mesh
INTEGER(I4B) :: tElements = 0
!! total number of elements present inside the mesh
!! It is the size of elemNumber vector
REAL(DFP) :: minX = 0.0
!! minimum value of x coordinate
REAL(DFP) :: maxX = 0.0
!! maximum value of x coordinate
REAL(DFP) :: minY = 0.0
!! minimum value of y coordinate
REAL(DFP) :: maxY = 0.0
!! maximum value of y coordinate
REAL(DFP) :: minZ = 0.0
!! minimum value of z coordinate
REAL(DFP) :: maxZ = 0.0
!! maximum value of z coordinate
REAL(DFP) :: X = 0.0
!! x coorindate of centroid
REAL(DFP) :: Y = 0.0
!! y coordinate of centroid
REAL(DFP) :: Z = 0.0
!! z coordinate of centroid
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: physicalTag(:)
!! Physical entities associated with the current entity (mesh)
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: boundingEntity(:)
!! Bounding entity numbers of the current entity
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: local_elemNumber(:)
!! List of local element numbers, the lowerbound is `minElemNum`
!! and upper bound is `maxElemNum`. In this way, local_elemNumber(iel)
!! returns the local element number of global element number iel.
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: local_Nptrs(:)
!! Returns local node number from a global node number
!! Its length is from 1 to maxNptrs
!! Helpul in finding if a global node is present inside the mesh or not
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: material(:)
!! materials mapped to the mesh
!! material(1) is the material id of medium 1
!! material(2) is the material id of medium 2
!! ...
!! material(n) is the material id of medium n
!! For example, soil is a porous medium n = 1,
!! fluid is a medium n =2
!! then material(1) denotes the type of soil => clay, sand, silt
!! and material(2) denotes the type of fluid, water, oil, air
TYPE(ReferenceElement_), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE :: facetElements(:)
!! Facet Elements in the reference element
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: facetElementType(:, :)
!! Number of rows of this array is same as the total number of
!! facets present in the mesh-reference elements
!! Number of columns of this array is equal to the total number of
!! elements inside the mesh
!! facetElementType(ii, iel) can be
!! If the face is a part of the mesh boundary then it will be called
TYPE(NodeData_), ALLOCATABLE :: nodeData(:)
!! Node data
TYPE(ElemData_), ALLOCATABLE :: elementData(:)
!! element data
TYPE(InternalFacetData_), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE :: internalFacetData(:)
!! Internal facet data
TYPE(BoundaryFacetData_), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE :: boundaryFacetData(:)
!! Domain Facet Data
CLASS(ReferenceElement_), PUBLIC, POINTER :: refelem => NULL()
!! Reference element of the mesh (spatial)
!! TODO: Change refelem to Type(ReferenceElement_)
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: quality(:, :)
!! number of rows are meshquality
!! number of columns are elements
INTEGER(I4B), PUBLIC :: ipType = Equidistance
!! interpolation point type

! Following variables are required during processing.
! time
TYPE(QuadraturePoint_), PUBLIC :: quadForTime
!! quadrature point for time domain #STFEM
TYPE(ElemshapeData_), PUBLIC :: linTimeElemSD
!! Element shape data on linear time element #STFEM
TYPE(ElemshapeData_), PUBLIC :: timeElemSD
!! Element shape data on time element #STFEM
TYPE(String) :: quadTypeForTime
!! quadrature type for time
TYPE(String) :: continuityTypeForTime
!! continuity of base function for time
TYPE(String) :: interpolTypeForTime
!! interpolation of base function for time
INTEGER(I4B) :: orderTime
!! order for time

! space (cell)
TYPE(QuadraturePoint_), PUBLIC :: quadForSpace
!! quadrature point for space
TYPE(ElemshapeData_), PUBLIC :: linSpaceElemSD
!! Element shape data on linear space (simplex) element
TYPE(ElemshapeData_), PUBLIC :: spaceElemSD
!! Element shape data on space element
TYPE(STElemshapeData_), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: stelemsd(:)
!! Element shape data on space element
TYPE(String) :: quadTypeForSpace
!! quadrature type for space
TYPE(String) :: continuityTypeForSpace
!! continuity of base function for space
TYPE(String) :: interpolTypeForSpace
!! interoplation type of base function for space
INTEGER(I4B) :: orderSpace
!! order for space

! space (facets)
TYPE(QuadraturePoint_), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: quadForFacet(:)
!! quadrature point for facet elements
TYPE(QuadraturePoint_), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: quadForFacetCell(:)
!! quadrature point for facet-cell elements
TYPE(ElemshapeData_), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: linFacetElemSD(:)
!! Element shape data on linear facet (simplex) element
TYPE(ElemshapeData_), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: linFacetCellElemSD(:)
!! Element shape data on linear facet (simplex) cell element
TYPE(ElemshapeData_), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: facetElemSD(:)
!! Element shape data on facet element
TYPE(ElemshapeData_), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: facetCellElemSD(:)
!! Element shape data on facet cell element
TYPE(String) :: quadTypeForFacet
!! quadrature type for facet element
TYPE(String) :: continuityTypeForFacet
!! continuity of base function for facet element
TYPE(String) :: interpolTypeForFacet
!! interoplation type of base function for facet element
INTEGER(I4B) :: orderFacet
!! order for facet element
TYPE(STElemshapeData_), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: facetSTelemsd(:, :)
!! Element shape data on facet element
  • readFromFile is true if the mesh is read from a file.

  • isInitiated is logical flag denoting whether mesh data is initiated or not.

  • isNodeToElementsInitiated is true if node to elements mapping is initiated.

  • isNodeToNodesInitiated is true of node to nodes mapping is initiated.

  • isElementToElementsInitiated is true if element to elements mapping available.

  • isBoundaryDataInitiated is true if boundary data is available.

  • uid denotes the unique-id of the mesh.

  • xidim denotes the xidimension of elements present inside the mesh, xidim = (0,1,2,3) for (point, line, surface, volume) elements.

  • elemType denotes the type of element present inside the mesh.

  • nsd denotes the number of spatial dimension of the mesh.

  • maxNptrs stands for the largest node number present inside the mesh.

  • minNptrs stands for the smallest node number present inside the mesh.

  • maxElemNum denotes the largest element number present inside the mesh.

  • minElemNum denotes the smallest element number present inside the mesh.

  • tNodes is the total number of (local) nodes present inside the mesh.

  • tIntNodes is the total number of internal nodes inside the mesh.

  • tElements is the total number of elements present inside the mesh. It is the size of elemNumber vector.

  • minX denotes the minimum value of x coordinate of boundingbox.

  • maxX denotes the maximum value of x coordinate of boundingbox.

  • minY is the minimum value of y coordinate of boundingbox.

  • maxY is the maximum value of y coordinate of boundingbox.

  • minZ is the minimum value of z coordinate of boundingbox.

  • maxZ is the maximum value of z coordinate of boundingbox.

  • X is the x coordinate of center of mesh.

  • Y is the y coordinate of center of mesh.

  • Z is the z coordinate of center of mesh.

  • physicalTag denotes the physical entities associated with the current entity (mesh)

  • boundingEntity denotes the bounding entity numbers of the current entity

  • local_elemNumber denotes the list of local element numbers, the lower bound is minElemNum and upper bound is maxElemNum. In this way, local_elemNumber(iel) returns the local element number of global element number iel.

  • local_Nptrs returns the local node number from a global node number. Its length is from 1 to maxNptrs. Helpful in finding if a global node is present inside the mesh or not.

  • material materials mapped to the mesh, for example

    • material(1) is the material-id of medium 1
    • material(2) is the material-id of medium 2
    • \cdots
    • material(n) is the material-id of medium n
    • For example, soil is a porous medium n = 1,
    • fluid is a medium n =2
    • then material(1) denotes the type of soil, that is, clay, sand, and silt.
    • and material(2) denotes the type of fluid, water, oil, air.
  • facetElements denotes the facet Elements in the reference element

  • facetElementType

    • Number of rows of this array is same as the total number of facets present in the mesh’s reference-element.
    • Number of columns of this array is equal to the total number of elements inside the mesh.
    • In this way, facetElementType(ii, iel) denotes the iith facet’s type of element local element number iel
    • facetElementType can be
    • If the face is a part of the mesh boundary then it will be called the BOUNDARY_ELEMENT
    • If the face is part of domain boundary, then it is a DOMAIN_BOUNDARY_ELEMENT
    • If the facet is internal to a mesh, then it is a INTERNAL_ELEMENT
    • Note that every, DOMAIN_BOUNDARY_ELEMENT is BOUNDARY_ELEMENT but not vice-versa.
  • nodeData node data

  • elementData element data

  • internalFacetData internal facet data

  • boundaryFacetData boundary facet Data

  • refelem Reference element of the mesh (spatial).

Following variables are required during for time shape functions in space-time finite elements.

  • quadForTime, quadrature point for time domain
  • linTimeElemSD Element shape data on linear time element
  • timeElemSD Element shape data on time element
  • quadTypeForTime quadrature type for time
  • continuityTypeForTime continuity of base function for time
  • interpolTypeForTime interpolation of base function for time
  • orderTime order for time

Following variables are required during for space-shape functions finite elements computations.

  • quadForSpace quadrature point for space
  • linSpaceElemSD Element shape data on linear space (simplex) element
  • spaceElemSD Element shape data on space element
  • stelemsd Element shape data on space element
  • quadTypeForSpace quadrature type for space
  • continuityTypeForSpace continuity of base function for space
  • interpolTypeForSpace interpolation type of base function for space
  • orderSpace order for space

Following variables are required during for shape functions on facet elements in finite elements computations.

  • quadForFacet quadrature point for facet elements
  • linFacetElemSD Element shape data on linear facet (simplex) element
  • facetElemSD Element shape data on facet element
  • facetSTelemsd Element shape data on facet element
  • quadTypeForFacet quadrature type for facet element
  • continuityTypeForFacet continuity of base function for facet element
  • interpolTypeForFacet interpolation type of base function for facet element
  • orderFacet order for facet element