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This method construct the boundary-element data.

  • It marks elements of mesh as DOMAIN_BOUNDARY_ELEMENT and INTERNAL_ELEMENT.
  • In this case boundary elements are those which contains the boundary node.
  • Boundary-node information is available by reading the mesh file, see mesh import method.
  • It also forms obj%elementData(ii)%boundaryData.

This subroutine treats all boundary element as DOMAIN_BOUNDARY_ELEMENT because it does not have information of surrouding mesh. However, this is not correct. This is because, not all mesh boundary elements are domain boundary elements. For example, some mesh-boundary element may be interface element between two mesh regions. This information can be corrected by calling SetFacetElementType method from Domain_.


If we call InitiateBoundaryData, then we do not have to call SetFacetElementType because the former routine makes an internal call to the latter.

This method needs following information:

  • ElementToElements
  • refelem to construct the FacetElements
MODULE SUBROUTINE InitiateBoundaryData(obj)
CLASS(Mesh_), INTENT(INOUT) :: obj
!! mesh data
END SUBROUTINE InitiateBoundaryData