📄️ Structure
PLplot is a software package for creating scientific plots . It is cross-platform ❤, which means it will work on Windows, Unix, and Linux system. The PLplot software is primarily licensed under the LGPL 🔥. It is written in C language, and it has bindings 🔗 for several other language including Fortran 🖥️ .
📄️ PLPlot Colors
Normally, color is used for all drivers and devices that support it within PLplot subject to the condition that the user has the option of globally turning off the color (and subsequently turning it on again if so desired) using plscolor.
📄️ PLPlot Devices
PLplot implements a set of device drivers which support a wide variety of devices. Each driver is required to implement a small set of low-level graphics primitives such as initialization, line draw, and page advance for each device it supports. In addition a driver can implement higher-level features such as rendering unicode text. Thus a driver may be simple or complex depending on the driver capabilities that are implemented.
📄️ PLPlot Getting Started
A Simple Example
📄️ PLPlot Installation
Installation of binary packages
📄️ PLPlot LinePlot
Line style
📄️ PLPlot example 1
!!! note ""
📄️ PLPlot example 2
!!! note ""
📄️ PLPlot example 3
This example shows how to plot a graph by using [[PLPlot_]].