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It is a data type for storing the element-data information.

The methods related to this data structure are in ElementDataMethods, BoundaryDataMethods, FacetDataMethods

TYPE :: ElemData_
INTEGER(I4B) :: globalElemNum = 0
INTEGER(I4B) :: localElemNum = 0
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: globalNodes(:)
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: globalElements(:)
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: boundaryData(:)
PROCEDURE, PUBLIC, PASS( obj ) :: Display => elemData_Display
END TYPE ElemData_
  • globalElemNum global element number
  • localElemNum local element number
  • elementType following element types are defined:
    • BOUNDARY_ELEMENT: If the element contains the boundary node of the mesh, then it will be called the boundary element
    • INTERNAL_ELEMENT: If the element does not contain the boundary node of the mesh, then it will be called the internal element
  • globalNodes nodes contained in the element, i.e., connectivity
  • globalElements contains the information about the elements surrounding an element. This is explained below:

Let us say that globalElem1, globalElem2, and globalElem3 surround a local element ielem (its global element number is globalElem), then

  • globalElements( [1,2,3] ) contains globalElem1, pFace, nFace
  • globalElements( [4,5,6] ) contains globalElem2, pFace, nFace
  • globalElements( [7,8,9] ) contains globalElem3, pFace, nFace.

Here, pFace is the local-facet-number of parent element, i.e., globalElem (ielem), which is connected to the nFace (local-facet-number) of the neighboring element.

  • boundaryData If an element contains the boundary node of the mesh, then it is considered as a boundary element. If iel is a boundary element, then boudnaryData contains the local-facet-numbers of iel which coincides with the mesh boundary. It may happen that a boundary element has no boundary face (but only a single boundary node), in this case boundaryData will have zero size.