ποΈ AbstractLinSolver
AbstractLinSolver_ is an abstract class for solving system of linear equation.
ποΈ CheckEssentialParam
This method checks the essential parameters required to construct an instance of AbstractLinSolver.
ποΈ Deallocate
Deallocate the memory occupied by the abstract lin solver.
ποΈ Display
Display the content of linear solver.
ποΈ Export
Export the linear solver.
ποΈ GetAbstractLinSolverParam
Get the essential parameters required to construct an instance of abstract linear solver.
ποΈ GetParam
Get the field parameters of linear solver.
ποΈ GetPreconditionOption
Get the precondition option.
ποΈ Import
Import the linear solver from external file.
ποΈ Initiate
Initiate an instance of abstract kernel.
ποΈ Set
Set the abstract linear solver.
ποΈ SetAbstractLinSolverParam
Set the essential parameters required to construct an instance of abstract linear solver.
ποΈ SetDirichletBCIndices
Set the Dirichlet boundary condition indices.
ποΈ SetParam
Set the fields of linear solver.
ποΈ SetTolerance
SEt the tolerance.
ποΈ Solve
Solve the system of linear equation.