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This routine creates the element surrounding a given element data

  • Before calling this routine, make sure the refelem in mesh is allocated.

  • By using refelem, this routine forms the FacetElements.

  • This routine needs nodeToElements information, therefore, if nodeToElements is not initiated then it calls initiateNodeToelements method.

  • This method forms following data:

  • obj%elementData(ielem)%globalElements

  • It also identifies those elements which are boundary element of mesh, and set obj%elementData(ielem)%elementType=BOUNDARY_ELEMENT for those elements.

  • Note that at this point these boundary-elements can be interface element between two meshs, or domain-boundary element.

MODULE SUBROUTINE InitiateElementToElements(obj)
CLASS(Mesh_), INTENT(INOUT) :: obj
!! mesh data
END SUBROUTINE InitiateElementToElements