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AbstractBC class handles the boundary condition in finite element methods. Currently, it has following subclasses.

Construction methods

There are three methods for constructing an instance of AbstractBC.

  1. Construction by Parameters
  2. Construction by importing data from HDF5File
  3. Construction by importing data from Toml file.

Construction by paramters

  1. The first step is to set the necessary Parameters by calling the method called SetAbstractBCParam.

  2. In the second step, we define a boundary. To this end, we will use the MeshSelection.

  3. In the third step, we call Initiate method. To initiate an instance of AbstractBC, we need to pass the boundary, paramters, and domain.

  4. In the fourth step, we call Set method to set the value of boundary condition.

Construction by HDF5File

We can also construct an instance of AbstractBC by importing data from HDF5File. See, Import method.

Construction by Toml file

We can also construct an instance of AbstractBC by importing data from Toml file. See, ImportFromToml method.

All methods