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The structure of Domain CLASS is given below.

TYPE :: Domain_
LOGICAL(LGT), PUBLIC :: isInitiated = .FALSE.
!! flag
TYPE(String) :: engine
!! Engine used for generating the meshes
INTEGER(I4B) :: majorVersion = 0
!! Major version
INTEGER(I4B) :: minorVersion = 0
!! Minor version
REAL(DFP) :: version = 0.0_DFP
!! Version MajorVersion.MinorVersion
INTEGER(I4B) :: nsd = 0_I4B
!! number of spatial dimension
INTEGER(I4B), PUBLIC :: maxNptrs = 0
!! Largest node number in the domain
INTEGER(I4B), PUBLIC :: minNptrs = 0
!! Smallest node number in the domain
INTEGER(I4B) :: tNodes = 0
!! Total number of nodes in the mesh
LOGICAL(I4B) :: isNodeNumberSparse = .FALSE.
!! True if node numbers are not continuous
INTEGER(I4B), PUBLIC :: maxElemNum = 0
!! Largest element number in the domain
INTEGER(I4B), PUBLIC :: minElemNum = 0
!! Smallest element number in the domain
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isElemNumberSparse = .FALSE.
!! True if element numbers are sparse
INTEGER(I4B) :: tEntitiesForNodes = 0
!! Total number of entities required for reading nodes
INTEGER(I4B) :: tEntitiesForElements = 0
!! Total number of entities required for reading elements
INTEGER(I4B) :: tElements(0:3) = [0, 0, 0, 0]
!! Total number of elements inside the domain
!! tElements( 0 ) = total number of point elements
!! tElements( 1 ) = total number of line elements
!! tElements( 2 ) = total number of surface elements
!! tElements( 3 ) = total number of volume/cell elements
INTEGER(I4B) :: tEntities(0:3) = [0, 0, 0, 0]
!! Total number of entities inside the domain
!! tEntities( 0 ) = total number of point mesh entities, mesh of Points
!! tEntities( 1 ) = total number of line mesh entities, mesh of Edge
!! tEntities( 2 ) = total number of surface mesh entities, mesh Boundary
!! tEntities( 3 ) = total number of volume mesh entities, Omega
!! Nodal coordinates in XiJ format
!! Number of rows are 3, and number of columns is total nodes
!! local_nptrs are required to access the nodeCoord
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: global_nptrs(:)
!! global nptrs
TYPE(MeshPointerVector_), ALLOCATABLE :: meshList(:)
!! meshList( 0 ) list of meshes of point entities
!! meshList( 1 ) list of meshes of line entities
!! meshList( 2 ) list of meshes of surface entities
!! meshList( 3 ) list of meshes of volume entities
TYPE(MeshFacetData_), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: meshFacetData(:)
TYPE(CSRSparsity_) :: meshMap
  • isInitiated It is true if the domain is initiated.

  • engine It is the name of the engine used to create the mesh

  • majorVersion It is the major version of the mesh engine

  • minorVersion It is the minor version of the mesh engine

  • version this is the version of the mesh engine

  • nsd this is the spatial dimension of the domain

  • maxNptrs, the largest node number in the domain

  • minNptrs, the smallest node number in the domain

  • isElemNumberSparse True if the element numbers are sparse

  • tEntitiesForNodes Total number of entities for the nodes

  • tEntitiesForElements total number of entities for the mesh.

  • tElements It is an integer vector of length 4. Lower bound is 0 and upper bound is 1.

    • tElements(0) denotes the total number of point elements
    • tElements(1) denotes the total number of curve elements
    • tElements(2) denotes the total number of surface elements
    • tElements(3) denotes the total number of volume elements.
  • tEntities It is an integer vector of length 4. It denotes the total number of entities of a given co dimension.

    • tEntities(0) total number of entities (mesh) of point elements
    • tEntities(1) total number of entities (mesh) of curve elements
    • tEntities(2) total number of entities (mesh) of surface elements
    • tEntities(3) total number of entities (mesh) of volume elements.
  • nodeCoord nodal coordinates. rows of nodeCoord represent the spatial dimension. columns of nodeCoord represents the spatial node number.

  • local_nptrs It is the index mapping which converts global node number to local node number.

  • global_nptrs, local to global node number mapping.

  • meshList

    • meshList(0) list of meshes of point entities
    • meshList( 1 ) list of meshes of line entities
    • meshList( 2 ) list of meshes of surface entities
    • meshList( 3 ) list of meshes of volume entities

meshFacetData mesh facet data is given below.

TYPE MeshFacetData_
INTEGER(I4B) :: masterMesh = 0
INTEGER(I4B) :: slaveMesh = 0
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: masterCellNumber(:)
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: slaveCellNumber(:)
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: masterLocalFacetID(:)
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: slaveLocalFacetID(:)
! CLASS( Halo_ ), POINTER :: halo => NULL()
END TYPE MeshFacetData_

meshMap contains the connectivity of meshes of dimension nsd (that is, meshes of cell Ω\Omega).

Let us say there are nn meshes of cell elements. That is,

  • In 1D, cell means line elements
  • In 2D, cell means surface elements
  • In 3D, cell means volume elements

Then, we constructs a sparse matrix, MM, of dimension n×nn \times n. If M(I,J),I,J=1,2,,nM(I,J), I,J=1,2,\cdots,n is 1 then mesh-I and mesh-J are connected with each other. Otherwise, they are not connected with each other. This information is stored in an instance of CSRSparsity in meshMap