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  • PrP_{r} and PcP_{c} are row and col permutation matrices
  • DrD_{r} and DcD_{c} are row and col scaling diagonal matrices
  • LL is unit lower triangular matrix (Lii=1)\left(L_{ii}=1\right)
  • UU is an upper triangular matrix

To solve


A is given by


A1A^{-1} is given by




Please read from right to left.

Note that DD and PP operates on column vectors only.

Simple Driver algorithm

  • Choose PcP_{c}to order the columns of AA to increase the sparsity of the computed LL and UU factors, and hopefully to increase parallelism

  • Compute LULU factorization of APcAP_{c}. Most of the pkgs, including SuperLU, can perform dynamic pivoting with row interchanges for numerical stability, computing PrP_{r}, LL and UU at the same time.

  • Solve the system using PPs and LL and UU as described above (with DDs equal to identity)

Expert Driver Algorithm for sequential and multithreaded

  • Equilibrate the matrix AA, that is, compute diagonal matrices DrD_{r} and DcD_{c} so that A^=DrADc\hat{A}=D_{r}AD_{c}is better conditioned than AA, that is, A^1\hat{A}^{-1}is less sensitive to perturbations in A^\hat{A}that A1A^{-1}is to perturbations in AA.

  • Order the columns of A^\hat{A}to increase the sparsity of computed LL and UU factors. In other words replace A^\hat{A} by A^PcT\hat{A}P_{c}^{T}.

  • Compute the LULU factorization of A^.\hat{A}.

Column ordering

  • Natural ordering
  • Multiple Minimum Degree applied to the structure of ATAA^{T}A
  • MMD applied to the structure of A+ATA+A^{T}
  • Column Approximation Minimum Degree (COLAMD)
  • User supplied ordering, e.g., from Metis

Sequential SuperLU

  • SuperLU can preorder the columns
  • Threshold row pivoting
  • equilibrate the system
  • estimate the condition number
  • relative backward error bounds
  • ILU factorization
  • Real and complex with single and double precision

Useful routines

  • dgssv() solves the system of linear equations AX=BA \cdot X=B, using the LU factorization from DGSTRF.
  • dgssvx() solves the system of linear equations AX=BA\cdot X = B or ATX=BA^T\cdot X = B
  • dgstrf()
  • dgstrs()
  • dgscon()
  • dgsequ()
  • dlaqgs()
  • dgsrfs()
  • dgsisx()
  • dgsitrf()

Data structure

typedef struct {
Stype_t Stype; /* Storage type: interprets the storage structure
pointed to by *Store. */
Dtype_t Dtype; /* Data type. */
Mtype_t Mtype; /* Matrix type: describes the mathematical property of
the matrix. */
int_t nrow; /* number of rows */
int_t ncol; /* number of columns */
void *Store; /* pointer to the actual storage of the matrix */
} SuperMatrix;
typedef struct {
int_t nnz; /* number of nonzeros in the matrix */
void *nzval; /* pointer to array of nonzero values, packed by column */
int_t *rowind; /* pointer to array of row indices of the nonzeros */
int_t *colptr; /* pointer to array of beginning of columns in nzval[]
and rowind[] */
/* Note:
Zero-based indexing is used;
colptr[] has ncol+1 entries, the last one pointing
beyond the last column, so that colptr[ncol] = nnz. */
} NCformat;
typedef struct {
int_t nnz; /* number of nonzeros in the matrix */
void *nzval; /* pointer to array of nonzero values, packed by raw */
int_t *colind; /* pointer to array of columns indices of the nonzeros */
int_t *rowptr; /* pointer to array of beginning of rows in nzval[]
and colind[] */
/* Note:
Zero-based indexing is used;
rowptr[] has nrow+1 entries, the last one pointing
beyond the last row, so that rowptr[nrow] = nnz. */
} NRformat;

How to call SuperLU


Installation by using cmake:


export build_dir=$HOME/temp/easifem-extpkgs/superlu/build/
export install_dir=$HOME/.easifem/extpkgs/
cmake -S . -B $build_dir \
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_dir \

Build step:

cmake -B $build_dir

Install step

cmake --build $build_dir --target install

SuperLU will be installed at $install_dir/lib and $install_dir/include