ποΈ AbstractSTDBEInitiate
Initiate the parameters of abstract kernel. This method can be accessed from the children.
ποΈ Structure
AbstractSTDBE_ class is an abstract class, which is designed for solving the transient Darcy-Brinkman Equation by using the space-time finite element method.
ποΈ AddFluidMaterial
- This routine adds Fluid material to the AbstractSTDBE.
ποΈ AddPorousMaterial
- This routine adds porous material to the [AbstractSTDBE_
ποΈ AddPressureDirichletBC
This routine sets the Dirichlet boundary condition for pressure field in AbstractSTDBE kernel. It makes obj%DBCForPressure(dbcNo).
ποΈ AddPressureNeumannBC
This routine sets the Neumann boundary condition for pressure field in AbstractSTDBE kernel. It makes obj%NBCForPressure(nbcNo)
ποΈ AddVelocityDirichletBC
This routine sets the Dirichlet boundary condition for Velocity field in AbstractSTDBE kernel.
ποΈ AddVelocityNeumannBC
This routine sets the Neumann boundary condition for Velocity field in AbstractSTDBE kernel.
ποΈ ApplyDirichletBC
This method should be implemented by the child.
ποΈ Assemble
This method should be implemented by the child.
ποΈ AssembleRHS
This method should be implemented by the child.
ποΈ AssembleTanmat
This method should be implemented by the child.
ποΈ Deallocate
This routine deallocates the data stored inside the kernel.
ποΈ Display
This routine displays the content of the kernel on the screen.
ποΈ Export
This routine exports the kernel in the form of an HDF5File.
ποΈ GetPressureDirichletBCPointer
This routine returns the pointer to Dirichlet boundary condition of pressure field in AbstractSTDBE kernel, that is
ποΈ GetPressureNeumannBCPointer
This routine returns the pointer to Neumann boundary condition of pressure field in AbstractSTDBE kernel, that is obj%NBCForPressure(nbcNo)%ptr.
ποΈ GetVelocityDirichletBCPointer
This routine returns the pointer to Dirichlet boundary condition of Velocity field in AbstractSTDBE kernel, that is obj%DBCForVelocity(dbcNo)%ptr.
ποΈ GetVelocityNeumannBCPointer
This routine returns the pointer to Neumann boundary condition of Velocity field in AbstractSTDBE kernel, that is obj%NBCForVelocity(nbcNo)%ptr.
ποΈ Import
This rotuine imports the properties of the kernel, and then builds it. All the properties are mentioned in the hdf5 file HDF5File. Domain dom is used as a target for kernel's domain pointer Domain.
ποΈ Initiate
This method should be implemented by the children of AbstractSTDBE_ kernel.
ποΈ InitiateFields
This method should be should be defined by children.
ποΈ IsConverged
This method should be implemented by the child.
ποΈ IsSteadyState
This method should be implemented by the child.
ποΈ Set
This routine is the most important one. This routine should be called before starting the main computation. After initiating the kernel, we have all the information to construct the state of the kernel. This routine checks all the options, and produce notify user if some information is missing or incorrect.
ποΈ Solve
This method should be implemented by the child.
ποΈ Update
This method should be implemented by the child.
ποΈ UpdateIteration
This method should be implemented by the child.
ποΈ WriteData
This routine writes the simulation data in the hdf5 file HDF5File.