Discrete Jacobi transform.
MODULE PURE FUNCTION JacobiTransform(n, alpha, beta, coeff, x, w, &
& quadType) RESULT(ans)
!! order of jacobi polynomial
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: alpha
!! alpha of Jacobi polynomial > -1.0_DFP
!! beta of Jacobi polynomial > -1.0_DFP
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: coeff(0:n)
!! nodal value (at quad points)
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: x(0:n)
!! quadrature points
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: w(0:n)
!! weights
INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: quadType
!! Quadrature type, Gauss, GaussLobatto, GaussRadau, GaussRadauLeft
!! GaussRadauRight
REAL(DFP) :: ans(0:n)
!! modal values or coefficients
END FUNCTION JacobiTransform
Interface 2
MODULE PURE FUNCTION JacobiTransform(n, alpha, beta, coeff, x, w, &
& quadType) RESULT(ans)
!! order of polynomial
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: alpha
!! alpha of Jacobi polynomial > -1.0_DFP
!! beta of Jacobi polynomial > -1.0_DFP
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: coeff(0:, 1:)
!! nodal value (at quad points)
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: x(0:n)
!! quadrature points
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: w(0:n)
!! weights
INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: quadType
!! Quadrature type, Gauss, GaussLobatto, GaussRadau, GaussRadauLeft
!! GaussRadauRight
REAL(DFP) :: ans(0:n, 1:SIZE(coeff, 2))
!! modal values or coefficients for each column of val
END FUNCTION JacobiTransform
Interface 3
MODULE FUNCTION JacobiTransform(n, alpha, beta, f, quadType) &
& RESULT(ans)
!! order of jacobi polynomial
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: alpha
!! alpha of Jacobi polynomial > -1.0_DFP
!! beta of Jacobi polynomial > -1.0_DFP
PROCEDURE(iface_1DFunction), POINTER, INTENT(IN) :: f
!! 1D space function
INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: quadType
!! Quadrature type, Gauss, GaussLobatto, GaussRadau, GaussRadauLeft
!! GaussRadauRight
REAL(DFP) :: ans(0:n)
!! modal values or coefficients
END FUNCTION JacobiTransform
- ️܀ See example
- ↢
This example shows the usage of JacobiTransform
method which is defined in [[JacobiPolynomialUtility]] MODULE. This routine performs the forward Jacobi transform.
In this example (that is, proportional to Legendre polynomial)
program main
use easifembase
use easifemclasses
implicit none
integer( i4b ) :: n
real(dfp), allocatable :: uhat(:), u( : ), pt( : ), wt(:)
real( dfp ), parameter :: alpha=0.0_DFP, beta=0.0_DFP, tol=1.0E-10
type(string) :: astr
integer( i4b ), parameter :: quadType = GaussLobatto
type(CSVFile_) :: afile
character( len=* ), parameter :: fname = "./results/test15"
type(PLPlot_) :: aplot
n = 10
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call JacobiQuadrature( n=n+1, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = JacobiEval(n=5_I4B, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& x=pt)
uhat = JacobiTransform(n=n, alpha=alpha, &
& beta=beta, coeff=u, &
& x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
uhat( 6 ) = uhat( 6 ) - 1.0_dFP
CALL ok( SOFTEQ( NORM2(uhat), 0.0_DFP, tol), "test" )
n = 10
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call JacobiQuadrature( n=n+1, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt)
uhat = JacobiTransform(n=n, alpha=alpha, &
& beta=beta, coeff=u, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
CALL afile%initiate(filename=fname // ".csv", &
& status="NEW", action="WRITE")
CALL afile%open()
CALL afile%write(val="n="//tostring(n))
CALL afile%write(val=uhat)
CALL afile%write()
CALL aplot%Initiate()
CALL aplot%Set( &
& device="svg", &
& filename=fname//"-%n.svg")
CALL aplot%figure()
CALL aplot%subplot(1,1,1)
pt = arange(0,n,1)
CALL aplot%setXYLim([-10.0_DFP, 50.0_DFP], [ -3.0_DFP, 3.0_DFP])
CALL aplot%setTicks()
CALL aplot%plot2D(x=pt,y=uhat, &
& pointType=PS_DOT, &
& pointSize=4.0_DFP, &
& pointColor="b", &
& lineWidth=0.0_DFP)
!CALL aplot%setLabels("","","")
!CALL aplot%Show()
n = 20
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call JacobiQuadrature( n=n+1, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt)
uhat = JacobiTransform(n=n, alpha=alpha, beta=beta,&
& coeff=u, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
CALL afile%write(val="n="//tostring(n))
CALL afile%write(val=uhat)
CALL afile%write()
pt = arange(0,n,1)
CALL aplot%plot2D(x=pt,y=uhat, &
& pointType=PS_DOT, &
& pointSize=4.0_DFP, &
& pointColor="r", &
& lineWidth=0.0_DFP)
!CALL aplot%setLabels("N","uhat","")
!CALL aplot%Show()
n = 30
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call JacobiQuadrature( n=n+1, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt)
uhat = JacobiTransform(n=n, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& coeff=u, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
CALL afile%write(val="n="//tostring(n))
CALL afile%write(val=uhat)
CALL afile%write()
pt = arange(0,n,1)
CALL aplot%plot2D(x=pt,y=uhat, &
& pointType=PS_DOT, &
& pointSize=10.0_DFP, &
& pointColor="k", &
& lineWidth=0.0_DFP)
CALL aplot%setLabels("N","uhat","")
CALL aplot%Show()
n = 40
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call JacobiQuadrature( n=n+1, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt)
uhat = JacobiTransform(n=n, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& coeff=u, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
CALL afile%write(val="n="//tostring(n))
CALL afile%write(val=uhat)
CALL afile%write()
CALL afile%deallocate()
end program main
- ️܀ See example
- ↢
This example shows the usage of JacobiTransform
method which is defined in [[JacobiPolynomialUtility]] MODULE. This routine performs the forward Jacobi transform of column data.
In this example (that is, proportional to Legendre polynomial)
program main
use easifembase
implicit none
integer( i4b ) :: n
real(dfp), allocatable :: uhat(:, :), u( :, : ), pt( : ), wt(:)
real( dfp ), parameter :: alpha=0.0_DFP, beta=0.0_DFP, tol=1.0E-10
type(string) :: astr
integer( i4b ), parameter :: quadType = GaussLobatto
n = 10
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call JacobiQuadrature( n=n+1, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt) .COLCONCAT. SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt)
uhat = JacobiTransform(n=n, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, coeff=u, &
& x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
CALL Display(uhat, "uhat=")
end program main
- ️܀ See example
- ↢
This example shows the usage of JacobiTransform
In this example (that is, proportional to Legendre polynomial)
program main
use easifembase
use easifemclasses
implicit none
integer( i4b ) :: n, ii
real(dfp), allocatable :: uhat(:), u( : ), pt( : ), wt(:), fhat(:)
real( dfp ), parameter :: alpha=0.0_DFP, beta=0.0_DFP, tol=1.0E-10
type(string) :: astr
integer( i4b ), parameter :: quadType = GaussLobatto
procedure(iface_1Dfunction), pointer :: f => NULL()
To make quadrature points we call JacobiQuadrature
routine, and specify QuadType
n = 10
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1, u, n+1 )
call JacobiQuadrature( n=n+1, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
f => func1
do ii = 1, size(u)
u(ii) = f(pt(ii))
end do
uhat = JacobiTransform(n=n, alpha=alpha, &
& beta=beta, coeff=u, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
fhat = JacobiTransform(n=n, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, &
& f=f, quadType=quadType)
call OK(ALL(SOFTEQ(fhat, uhat, tol)), "n=10")
pure function func1(x) result(ans)
real(dfp), intent(in) :: x
real(dfp) :: ans
ans = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * x)
end function func1
end program main