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This routine initiates cellToCell data (mapping) between two Domain_ or Mesh_.

  • The topology of elements in both meshes should be the same, this means that if one mesh is made of triangles then other mesh should be made of triangles.
  • The xidim of the elements in both meshes should be the same, this means that if the mesh1 is surface mesh then mesh2 should be a surface mesh.
  • This routine needs nodeToNode information, so make sure it is initiated before calling this routine.


MODULE SUBROUTINE dc_initiateCellToCellData1(obj, domain1, domain2, &
& dim1, dim2, entityNum1, entityNum2)
CLASS(DomainConnectivity_), INTENT(INOUT) :: obj
!! Domain connectivity object,
!! [[DomainConnectivity:cellToCell]] will be initiated
CLASS(Domain_), INTENT(IN) :: domain1
!! Primary domain, in cellToCell(i), i denotes the
!! global element number in domain1 domain.
CLASS(Domain_), INTENT(IN) :: domain2
!! secondary domain, => cellToCell(i) denotes the
!! global cell number in `domain2` domain.
!! dimension of mesh in domain1
!! dimension of mesh in domain2
INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: entityNum1
!! entity num of mesh in domain1
INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: entityNum2
!! entity num of mesh in domain2
END SUBROUTINE dc_initiateCellToCellData1

This subroutine generates the cell to cell connectivity between two meshes.

  • obj%cellToCell will be initiated
  • domain1 main domain
  • domain2 secondary domain
  • dim1, entitynum1 dimension and entity number of mesh in domain1
  • dim2, entitynum2 dimension and entity number of mesh in domain2

Following points should be noted

  • The topology of elements in both meshes should be the same, this means that if one mesh is triangle then other mesh should be a triangle.
  • The xidim of the elements in both meshes should be the same, this means that if the mesh1 is surface mesh then mesh2 should be a surface mesh.
  • This routine needs nodeToNode information, so make sure it is initiated before calling this routine.


MODULE SUBROUTINE dc_InitiateCellToCellData2(obj, domain1, domain2)
CLASS(DomainConnectivity_), INTENT(INOUT) :: obj
!! Domain connectivity object
CLASS(Domain_), INTENT(IN) :: domain1
!! Primary domain, in CellToCell(i), i denotes the
!! global element number in domain1 domain.
CLASS(Domain_), INTENT(IN) :: domain2
!! Secondary domain => CellToCell(i) denotes the
!! global element number in domain2 domain.
END SUBROUTINE dc_InitiateCellToCellData2

This subroutine generates the cell to cell connectivity between two domains.

  • obj%cellToCell will be initiated
  • domain1 main domain
  • domain2 secondary domain

All CELL elements in domain-1 will be mapped to CELL elements in domain-2.


If cellToCell(iel) is equal to zero then it means there is no element found in domain-2 corresponding to element number iel in domain-1.


The size of cellToCell is the largest element number present in domain1.


Currently, lowerbound and upper bound of cellToCell is 1 and domain1%maxElemNumber. In the future, the lower bound will be domain1%minElemNumber.

Following points should be noted before calling this routine

  • This routine provides map between cell elements of one domain to cell elements of another domain.
  • The topology of the both elements should be the same
  • There is one to one mapping between elements of domain 1 and elements of domain2
  • This routine works well for two domains of same region with same/different order. For example, domain of tri3 and domain of tri6 elements.