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STDarcyBrinkmann example 15

!!! note "" This example tests and demonstrates the usage of Assemble() method.

Mesh used for velocity field.

Modules & Classes

  • [[STDarcyBrinkmann_]]
  • [[ParameterList_]]
  • [[HDF5File_]]
  • [[Domain_]]
  • [[DomainPointer_]]
  • [[MeshSelection_]]
  • [[NeumannBC_]]


!!! note "" IMPORT the modules.

USE easifemBase
USE easifemClasses
USE easifemMaterials
USE easifemKernels
USE STDarcyBrinkmann_Class

!!! note "" Define the variables.

  TYPE(STDarcyBrinkmann_) :: obj
TYPE(ParameterList_) :: param
TYPE(HDF5File_) :: domainFileForPressure
TYPE(HDF5File_) :: domainFileForVelocity
TYPE(MeshSelection_) :: region
TYPE(Domain_), TARGET :: domainForPressure
TYPE(Domain_), TARGET :: domainForVelocity
TYPE(DomainPointer_) :: domains(2)
CLASS(DirichletBC_), POINTER :: dbc => NULL()
& domainFileNameForPressure = "./mesh_tri3.h5"
& domainFileNameForVelocity = "./mesh_tri6.h5"

!!! note "" Initiate an instance of [[ParameterList_]], param, this will be used to initiate several objects.

  CALL FPL_INIT(); CALL param%Initiate()

!!! note "" Setting parameters for an instance of [[STDarcyBrinkmann_]].

  CALL SetSTDarcyBrinkmannParam( &
& param=param, &
& engine="NATIVE_SERIAL", &
& nnt=2, &
& startTime=0.0_DFP, &
& endTime=10.0_DFP, &
& dt=0.001_DFP, &
& CoordinateSystem=KERNEL_2D, &
& tPorousMaterials=2, &
& tFluidMaterials=1, &
& tDirichletBCForPressure=1, &
& tDirichletBCForVelocity=3, &
& domainFileForPressure=domainFileNameForPressure, &
& domainFileForVelocity=domainFileNameForVelocity)

!!! note "" Setting [[LinSolver_]] parameters.

  CALL SetLinSolverParam( &
& param=param, &
& solverName=LIS_GMRES,&
& preconditionOption=LEFT_PRECONDITION, &
& convergenceIn=convergenceInRes, &
& convergenceType=relativeConvergence, &
& maxIter=100, &
& relativeToRHS=.TRUE., &
& KrylovSubspaceSize=20, &
& rtol=1.0D-10, &
& atol=1.0D-10 )

!!! note "domainForPressure" Initiate an [[HDF5File_]] for making [[Mesh_]] and/or [[Domain_]] for pressure variable.

  CALL domainFileForPressure%Initiate(filename=domainFileNameForPressure, &
CALL domainFileForPressure%Open()
CALL domainForPressure%Initiate(domainFileForPressure, "")

!!! note "domainForVelocity" Initiate an [[HDF5File_]] for making [[Mesh_]] and/or [[Domain_]] for velocity variable.

  CALL domainFileForVelocity%Initiate(filename=domainFileNameForVelocity, &
CALL domainFileForVelocity%Open()
CALL domainForVelocity%Initiate(domainFileForVelocity, "")

!!! note "domains" Packing domains in a vector of [[DomainPointer_]]

  domains(1)%ptr => domainForVelocity
domains(2)%ptr => domainForPressure

!!! note "" deallocate domain files

  CALL domainFileForPressure%Deallocate()
CALL domainFileForVelocity%Deallocate()

!!! note "Initiate STDarcyBrinkmann" Initiate an instance of [[STDarcyBrinkmann_]]

  CALL obj%Initiate(param=param, domains=domains)

!!! note "porousMaterial 1" Adding a porous material.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=domainForPressure%GetNSD(), meshID=[1])
CALL SetPorousMaterialParam(param=param, &
& name="porousMaterial", &
& massdensity=1700.0_DFP, &
& porosity=0.8_DFP, &
& permeability=1.0D-10, &
& stressStrainModel="LinearPoroElasticModel")

Adding material parameters.

  CALL SetLinearPoroElasticModelParam( &
& param=param, &
& ElasticityType=IsoLinearElasticModel, &
& isPlaneStress=.FALSE., &
& isPlaneStrain=.TRUE., &
& PoissonRatio=0.3_DFP, &
& YoungsModulus=1.0D+6)
  CALL obj%AddPorousMaterial( &
& materialNo=1, &
& materialName="porousMaterial", &
& param=param, &
& region=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()

!!! note "porousMaterial 2" Adding a porous material.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=domainForPressure%GetNSD(), meshID=[2])
CALL SetPorousMaterialParam( &
& param=param, &
& name="porousMaterial", &
& massdensity=1700.0_DFP, &
& porosity=0.8_DFP, &
& permeability=1.0D-10, &
& stressStrainModel="LinearPoroElasticModel")
  CALL SetLinearPoroElasticModelParam( &
& param=param, &
& ElasticityType=IsoLinearElasticModel, &
& isPlaneStress=.FALSE., &
& isPlaneStrain=.TRUE., &
& PoissonRatio=0.3_DFP, &
& YoungsModulus=1.0D+6)
  CALL obj%AddPorousMaterial( &
& materialNo=2, &
& materialName="porousMaterial", &
& param=param, &
& region=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()

!!! note "fluidMaterial 1" Adding a fluid material.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=domainForVelocity%GetNSD(), meshID=[1, 2])

!!! note "SetFluidMaterialParam" Setting PARAMETER for [[FluidMaterial_]]

  CALL SetFluidMaterialParam( &
& param=param, &
& name="fluidMaterial", &
& massDensity=1000.0_DFP, &
& dynamicViscosity=0.001_DFP, &
& stressStrainModel="NewtonianFluidModel")

!!! note "SetNewtonianFluidModelParam" Setting parameters for [[NewtonianFluidModel_]] which is a material model

  CALL SetNewtonianFluidModelParam(param=param, Viscosity=0.001_DFP)

Adding fluid material.

  CALL obj%AddFluidMaterial( &
& materialNo=1, &
& materialName="fluidMaterial", &
& param=param, &
& region=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()

!!! note "Dirichlet boundary" Let us set [[NeumannBC_]] for velocity. We are prescribing x component of the velocity.

First we set the necessary parameters.

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam( &
& param=param, &
& name="ZeroV1", &
& idof=1, &
& nodalValueType=Constant, &
& useFunction=.FALSE.)

Now we SELECT the region, which is top and bottom boundary.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=1, meshID=[1, 2, 4, 5])
CALL region%Set()

Now we CALL AddVelocityBC method of [[STDarcyBrinkmann_]]. THEN we get the POINTER to the [[NeumannBC_]] which is created by the AddVelocityBC method. THEN we CALL Set method on this POINTER.

  CALL obj%AddVelocityBC(dbcNo=1, param=param, boundary=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()
dbc => obj%GetVelocityBCPointer(dbcNo=1)
CALL dbc%Set(ConstantNodalValue=0.0_DFP)
dbc => NULL()

!!! note "Dirichlet boundary" Let us set [[NeumannBC_]] for velocity (boundary condition at the inlet). We are prescribing x component of the velocity.

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam(param=param, name="UpstreamV1", &
& idof=1, nodalValueType=Constant, useFunction=.FALSE.)

Now we SELECT the inlet region, which is the left-boundary.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=1, meshID=[6])
CALL region%Set()

Now that we have build the inlet region, let us add it to kernel for the velocity Dirichlet boundary condition.

  CALL obj%AddVelocityBC(dbcNo=2, param=param, boundary=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()
dbc => obj%GetVelocityBCPointer(dbcNo=2)
CALL dbc%Set(ConstantNodalValue=0.1_DFP); dbc => NULL()

!!! note "Dirichlet boundary" Let us set [[NeumannBC_]] for velocity. We are prescribing y component of the velocity.

Let us set the parameter for [[NeumannBC_]]

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam( &
& param=param, &
& name="ZeroV2", &
& idof=2, &
& nodalValueType=Constant, &
& useFunction=.FALSE.)

Now select the region, which is the entire boundary.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=1, meshID=[1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3])
CALL region%Set()

Adding region to the kernel for setting boundary condition for velocity field.

  CALL obj%AddVelocityBC(dbcNo=3, param=param, boundary=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()
dbc => obj%GetVelocityBCPointer(dbcNo=3)
CALL dbc%Set(ConstantNodalValue=0.1_DFP); dbc => NULL()

!!! note "Dirichlet boundary" Let us set [[NeumannBC_]] for pressure. We are prescribing zero pressure condition at the outlet.

Define the parameters for constructing [[NeumannBC_]] instance.

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam( &
& param=param, &
& name="ZeroP", &
& idof=1, &
& nodalValueType=Constant, &
& useFunction=.FALSE.)

Construct an outlet region.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=1, meshID=[3])
CALL region%Set()

Add the boundary condition and outlet region of the kernel by using the method called AddPressureBC

  CALL obj%AddPressureBC(dbcNo=1, param=param, boundary=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()
dbc => obj%GetPressureBCPointer(dbcNo=1)
CALL dbc%Set(ConstantNodalValue=0.0_DFP)
dbc => NULL()

!!! success "Set" Now that we are done with the setup, we should call Set method. Then, the kernel will check the data, configuration, and intiate the appropriate variables.

  CALL obj%Set()

!!! success "AssembleTanMat" Now that we are done with the setup, we should call Set method. Then, the kernel will check the data, configuration, and intiate the appropriate variables.

  CALL obj%AssembleTanmat()
CALL obj%AssembleRHS()

!!! settings "Cleanup"

  CALL obj%Deallocate()
CALL domainForPressure%Deallocate()
CALL domainForVelocity%Deallocate()
CALL param%Deallocate(); CALL FPL_FINALIZE()