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STDarcyBrinkmann example 13

!!! note "" This example tests and demonstrates the usage of Set() method.

Modules & Classes

  • [[STDarcyBrinkmann_]]
  • [[ParameterList_]]
  • [[HDF5File_]]
  • [[Domain_]]
  • [[DomainPointer_]]
  • [[MeshSelection_]]
  • [[NeumannBC_]]


!!! note "" IMPORT the modules.

USE easifemBase
USE easifemClasses
USE easifemMaterials
USE easifemKernels
USE STDarcyBrinkmann_Class

!!! note "" Define the variables.

  TYPE(STDarcyBrinkmann_) :: obj
TYPE(ParameterList_) :: param
TYPE(HDF5File_) :: domainFileForPressure
TYPE(HDF5File_) :: domainFileForVelocity
TYPE(MeshSelection_) :: region
TYPE(Domain_), TARGET :: domainForPressure
TYPE(Domain_), TARGET :: domainForVelocity
TYPE(DomainPointer_) :: domains(2)
CLASS(DirichletBC_), POINTER :: dbc => NULL()
& domainFileNameForPressure = "./mesh_tri3.h5"
& domainFileNameForVelocity = "./mesh_tri6.h5"

!!! note "" Initiate an instance of [[ParameterList_]], param, this will be used to initiate several objects.

  CALL FPL_INIT(); CALL param%Initiate()

!!! note "" Setting parameters for an instance of [[STDarcyBrinkmann_]].

  CALL SetSTDarcyBrinkmannParam( &
& param=param, &
& engine="NATIVE_SERIAL", &
& nnt=2, &
& startTime=0.0_DFP, &
& endTime=10.0_DFP, &
& dt=0.001_DFP, &
& CoordinateSystem=KERNEL_2D, &
& tPorousMaterials=2, &
& tFluidMaterials=1, &
& tDirichletBCForPressure=1, &
& tDirichletBCForVelocity=3, &
& domainFileForPressure=domainFileNameForPressure, &
& domainFileForVelocity=domainFileNameForVelocity)

!!! note "" Setting [[LinSolver_]] parameters.

  CALL SetLinSolverParam( &
& param=param, &
& solverName=LIS_GMRES,&
& preconditionOption=LEFT_PRECONDITION, &
& convergenceIn=convergenceInRes, &
& convergenceType=relativeConvergence, &
& maxIter=100, &
& relativeToRHS=.TRUE., &
& KrylovSubspaceSize=20, &
& rtol=1.0D-10, &
& atol=1.0D-10 )

!!! note "" Initiate an [[HDF5File_]] for making [[Mesh_]] and/or [[Domain_]] for pressure variable.

  CALL domainFileForPressure%Initiate(filename=domainFileNameForPressure, &
CALL domainFileForPressure%Open()
CALL domainForPressure%Initiate(domainFileForPressure, "")

!!! note "" Initiate an [[HDF5File_]] for making [[Mesh_]] and/or [[Domain_]] for velocity variable.

  CALL domainFileForVelocity%Initiate(filename=domainFileNameForVelocity, &
CALL domainFileForVelocity%Open()
CALL domainForVelocity%Initiate(domainFileForVelocity, "")

!!! note "" Packing domains in a vector of [[DomainPointer_]]

  domains(1)%ptr => domainForVelocity
domains(2)%ptr => domainForPressure

!!! note "" DEALLOCATE domain files

  CALL domainFileForPressure%Deallocate()
CALL domainFileForVelocity%Deallocate()

!!! note "" Initiate an instance of [[STDarcyBrinkmann_]]

  CALL obj%Initiate(param=param, domains=domains)

!!! note "porousMaterial 1" Adding a porous material.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=domainForPressure%GetNSD(), meshID=[1])
CALL SetPorousMaterialParam(param=param, name="porousMaterial", &
& massDensity=1700.0_DFP, stressStrainModel="LinearPoroElasticModel")

Adding material parameters.

  CALL SetLinearPoroElasticModelParam( &
& param=param, &
& ElasticityType=IsoLinearElasticModel, &
& isPlaneStress=.FALSE., &
& isPlaneStrain=.TRUE., &
& PoissonRatio=0.3_DFP, &
& YoungsModulus=1.0D+6)
  CALL obj%AddPorousMaterial(materialNo=1, materialName="porousMaterial", &
& param=param, region=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()

!!! note "porousMaterial 2" Adding a porous material.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=domainForPressure%GetNSD(), meshID=[2])
CALL SetPorousMaterialParam(param=param, name="porousMaterial", &
& massDensity=1700.0_DFP, stressStrainModel="LinearPoroElasticModel")
  CALL SetLinearPoroElasticModelParam( &
& param=param, &
& ElasticityType=IsoLinearElasticModel, &
& isPlaneStress=.FALSE., &
& isPlaneStrain=.TRUE., &
& PoissonRatio=0.3_DFP, &
& YoungsModulus=1.0D+6)
  CALL obj%AddPorousMaterial(materialNo=2, &
& materialName="porousMaterial", &
& param=param, region=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()

!!! note "fluidMaterial 1" Adding a fluid material.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=domainForVelocity%GetNSD(), meshID=[1, 2])

!!! note "SetFluidMaterialParam" Setting PARAMETER for [[FluidMaterial_]]

  CALL SetFluidMaterialParam(param=param, name="fluidMaterial", &
& massDensity=1000.0_DFP, stressStrainModel="NewtonianFluidModel")

!!! note "SetNewtonianFluidModelParam" Setting parameters for [[NewtonianFluidModel_]] which is a material model

  CALL SetNewtonianFluidModelParam(param=param, Viscosity=0.001_DFP)

Adding fluid material.

  CALL obj%AddFluidMaterial(materialNo=1, materialName="fluidMaterial", &
& param=param, region=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()

!!! note "Dirichlet boundary" Let us set [[NeumannBC_]] for velocity. We are prescribing x component of the velocity.

First we set the necessary parameters.

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam(param=param, name="ZeroV1", &
& idof=1, nodalValueType=Constant, useFunction=.FALSE.)

Now we SELECT the region, which is top and bottom boundary.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=1, meshID=[1, 2, 4, 5])
CALL region%Set()

Now we CALL AddVelocityBC method of [[STDarcyBrinkmann_]]. THEN we get the POINTER to the [[NeumannBC_]] which is created by the AddVelocityBC method. THEN we CALL Set method on this POINTER.

  CALL obj%AddVelocityBC(dbcNo=1, param=param, boundary=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()
dbc => obj%GetVelocityBCPointer(dbcNo=1)
CALL dbc%Set(ConstantNodalValue=0.0_DFP); dbc => NULL()

!!! note "Dirichlet boundary" Let us set [[NeumannBC_]] for velocity (boundary condition at the inlet). We are prescribing x component of the velocity.

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam(param=param, name="UpstreamV1", &
& idof=1, nodalValueType=Constant, useFunction=.FALSE.)

Now we SELECT the inlet region, which is the left-boundary.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=1, meshID=[6])
CALL region%Set()

Now that we have build the inlet region, let us add it to kernel for the velocity Dirichlet boundary condition.

  CALL obj%AddVelocityBC(dbcNo=2, param=param, boundary=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()
dbc => obj%GetVelocityBCPointer(dbcNo=2)
CALL dbc%Set(ConstantNodalValue=0.1_DFP); dbc => NULL()

!!! note "Dirichlet boundary" Let us set [[NeumannBC_]] for velocity. We are prescribing y component of the velocity.

Let us set the parameter for [[NeumannBC_]]

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam(param=param, name="ZeroV2", &
& idof=2, nodalValueType=Constant, useFunction=.FALSE.)

Now select the region, which is the entire boundary.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=1, meshID=[1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3])
CALL region%Set()

Adding region to the kernel for setting boundary condition for velocity field.

  CALL obj%AddVelocityBC(dbcNo=3, param=param, boundary=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()
dbc => obj%GetVelocityBCPointer(dbcNo=3)
CALL dbc%Set(ConstantNodalValue=0.1_DFP); dbc => NULL()

!!! note "Dirichlet boundary" Let us set [[NeumannBC_]] for pressure. We are prescribing zero pressure condition at the outlet.

Define the parameters for constructing [[NeumannBC_]] instance.

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam(param=param, name="ZeroP", &
& idof=1, nodalValueType=Constant, useFunction=.FALSE.)

Construct an outlet region.

  CALL region%Initiate(isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add(dim=1, meshID=[3])
CALL region%Set()

Add the boundary condition and outlet region of the kernel by using the method called AddPressureBC

  CALL obj%AddPressureBC(dbcNo=1, param=param, boundary=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()
dbc => obj%GetPressureBCPointer(dbcNo=1)
CALL dbc%Set(ConstantNodalValue=0.0_DFP); dbc => NULL()

!!! success "Set" Now that we are done with the setup, we should call Set method. Then, the kernel will check the data, configuration, and intiate the appropriate variables.

  CALL Display("Setting kernel")
CALL obj%Set()
CALL Display("Setting kernel [OK!]")

!!! note "" Let see the content of the kernel on the terminal screen by using Display method.

  CALL obj%Display("")

!!! settings "Cleanup"

  CALL obj%Deallocate()
CALL domainForPressure%Deallocate()
CALL domainForVelocity%Deallocate()
CALL param%Deallocate(); CALL FPL_FINALIZE()