Lapack95 example 14
This example shows the use of SymSolve
method defined in Lapack95.
- We preserve A, when passing to symSolve
- In this example there is only one rhs
- The result is obtained in x, not in rhs
- uplo = "U"
program main
use easifemBase
implicit none
real(dfp), allocatable :: A(:,:), RHS(:), X(:), xexact( : )
real(dfp) :: error
integer(i4b) :: info
integer(i4b), allocatable :: ipiv(:)
character(len=1) :: uplo
allocate(A(10,10), RHS(10), X(10), xexact(10), ipiv(10))
A = A * 10
A = Sym(A)
xexact = xexact * 10.0
RHS = MATMUL( A, xexact )
CALL Display( A, "A = " )
CALL Display( xexact, "xexact = " )
CALL Display( RHS, "RHS = " )
uplo = "U"
CALL SymSolve(A=A, preserveA=.TRUE., X=X, B=RHS, UPLO=uplo, IPIV=ipiv, INFO=info)
IF( info .NE. 0 ) THEN
CALL Display( "Error occured in SymSolve, code = " // tostring(info) )
CALL Display( X, " X = " )
CALL Display( ipiv, "ipiv = ")
CALL Display(MAXVAL(ABS(X - xexact ) ), "Error = ")
end program main
A =
9.86162 5.33004 2.28513 2.96782 4.25222 9.27302 5.47377 4.96836 3.03017 4.98111
5.33004 9.31661 3.37218 7.52843 4.26007 0.43418 4.76446 0.16881 1.81621 6.93537
2.28513 3.37218 5.14456 3.03380 4.32844 2.62773 8.32263 3.99124 5.10083 5.45799
2.96782 7.52843 3.03380 5.80883 6.38903 6.17802 5.89712 5.06155 6.03653 9.02908
4.25222 4.26007 4.32844 6.38903 8.96956 7.44208 7.50062 3.08730 5.72935 3.65661
9.27302 0.43418 2.62773 6.17802 7.44208 8.60312 2.97954 1.95409 5.36057 7.21267
5.47377 4.76446 8.32263 5.89712 7.50062 2.97954 5.17103 6.69969 4.57285 7.22960
4.96836 0.16881 3.99124 5.06155 3.08730 1.95409 6.69969 1.87655 5.12482 4.58572
3.03017 1.81621 5.10083 6.03653 5.72935 5.36057 4.57285 5.12482 5.47498 4.96055
4.98111 6.93537 5.45799 9.02908 3.65661 7.21267 7.22960 4.58572 4.96055 5.73067