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38 docs tagged with "matrix"

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Eigenvalue of sparse matrices.


CSRMatrix is defined to handle Compressed Sparse Row matrix.


CSRSparsity is a user type for storing the compressed sparse row sparse matrix.


This module contains useful routines related for diagonal matrices.


This module constains routines for computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices.

Lapack95 example 1

This example shows the use of SYTRF and SYCONV method defined in Lapack95.

Lapack95 example 10

This example shows the use of SymGetLU and SymLUSolve method defined in Lapack95.

Lapack95 example 11

This example shows the use of SymGetLU and SymLUSolve method defined in Lapack95.

Lapack95 example 12

This example shows the use of SymGetLU and SymLUSolve method defined in Lapack95.

Lapack95 example 13

This example shows the use of SymGetLU and SymGetInv method defined in Lapack95.

Lapack95 example 7

This example shows the use of SymGetCholesky method defined in Lapack95.

Lapack95 example 8

This example shows the use of SymGetCholesky method defined in Lapack95.

Lapack95 example 9

This example shows the use of SymGetLU and SymLUSolve method defined in Lapack95.


This module contains routines for sorting the matrix and vectors. Currently, this module provides following methods.


This module includes the routines for swapping operations.


SymUtility module provides routines for constructing the symmetric matrices from the lower or upper part of a dese matrix.


This module defines the methods to access the upper or lower triangular part of a square or rectangle matrix.