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Lapack95 example 12

This example shows the use of SymGetLU and SymLUSolve method defined in Lapack95.

  • We get LU decomposition of A in LU.
  • In this example there are many rhs
  • The result is obtained in x, not in rhs
  • uplo = "U"
program main
use easifemBase
implicit none
real(dfp), allocatable :: LU(:, :), A(:,:), RHS(:,:), X(:,:), xexact( :,: )
real(dfp) :: error
integer(i4b) :: info
integer(i4b), allocatable :: ipiv(:)
character(len=1) :: uplo

allocate(LU(3,3), A(3,3), RHS(3,4), X(3,4), xexact(3,4), ipiv(3))
A(1, :) = [6, 15, 55]
A(2, :) = [15, 55, 225]
A(3, :) = [55, 225, 979]
xexact = xexact * 10.0
RHS = MATMUL( A, xexact )

CALL Display( A, "A = " )
CALL Display( xexact, "xexact = " )
CALL Display( RHS, "RHS = " )

uplo = "U"

CALL SymGetLU(A=A, LU=LU, UPLO=uplo, IPIV=ipiv, INFO=info)
CALL Display( info, "info from GETLU= " )

CALL SymLUSolve(A=LU, X=X, B=RHS, IPIV=ipiv, UPLO=uplo, INFO=info)

CALL Display( X, " X = " )
CALL Display( info, "info from LUSOLVE = " )
CALL Display(MAXVAL(ABS(X - xexact ) ), "Error = ")

end program main