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VTKFile example 14

Use association

  • [[Mesh_]]
  • [[HDF5File_]]
  • [[VTKFile_]]


use easifemBase
use easifemClasses
TYPE( mesh_ ) :: obj
INTEGER( I4B ) :: ierr, ii
TYPE( HDF5File_ ) :: domainFile
TYPE( VTKFile_ ) :: vtkfile
REAL( DFP ), ALLOCATABLE :: nodeCoord( :, : ), pressure( : )
    CALL Display( "Testing ExportToVTK" )
CALL domainFile%initiate( filename="./mesh.h5", mode="READ" )
CALL domainFile%open()

!!! note "Initiate Mesh"

    CALL obj%Initiate(hdf5=domainFile, group="/surfaceEntities_1" )

!!! note "" Get nodal coordinates of the mesh.

    CALL obj%getNodeCoord(nodeCoord=nodeCoord, hdf5=domainFile, &
& group="/nodeCoord")

!!! note "" Export mesh to [[VTKFile_]] format. This will write the information of mesh inside the surfaceEntities_1.vtu file.

The file will have the following properties

  • mode="NEW"
  • DataStructureType=VTK_UnStructuredGrid

Note that we have set CloseTag to .false. since we want to write more information.

    CALL obj%ExportToVTK(vtkFile=vtkFile, nodeCoord=nodeCoord, &
& filename="./surfaceEntities_1.vtu", OpenTag=.TRUE., &
& Content=.TRUE., CloseTag=.FALSE.)

!!! note "Write node data"

Because it is nodal data, we mention location as node. Also we want to open the PointData tag, since we have initiated writing the data.

    CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(location=String('node'), &
& action=String('open'))

Let us prepare the noda data for pressure.

    CALL reallocate(pressure, obj%getTotalNodes())
CALL random_NUMBER(pressure); pressure = pressure * 10

Now that the data is ready, let us flush it in the [[VTKFile_]].

    CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(name=String("node_data"), &
& x=pressure, numberOfComponents=1)

If you want to write more point data, then add it below.

    CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(name=String("pressure"), &
& x=pressure, numberOfComponents=1)

Now that we are done with writing point data, let us close the <PointData> tag.

    CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(location=String('node'), &
& action=String('close'))

!!! note "Write Cell Data"

    CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(location=String('cell'), &
& action=String('open'))
    CALL reallocate(pressure, obj%getTotalElements())
CALL random_NUMBER(pressure); pressure = pressure * 10
    CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(name=String("cell_data"), &
& x=pressure, numberOfComponents=1)
    CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(location=String('cell'), &
& action=String('close'))
    CALL vtkFile%WritePiece()
CALL vtkFile%Close()

!!! settings "Cleanup"

    CALL obj%Deallocate()
CALL domainFile%Deallocate()