VTKFile example 14
Use association
- [[Mesh_]]
- [[HDF5File_]]
- [[VTKFile_]]
use easifemBase
use easifemClasses
TYPE( mesh_ ) :: obj
INTEGER( I4B ) :: ierr, ii
TYPE( HDF5File_ ) :: domainFile
TYPE( VTKFile_ ) :: vtkfile
REAL( DFP ), ALLOCATABLE :: nodeCoord( :, : ), pressure( : )
CALL Display( "Testing ExportToVTK" )
CALL domainFile%initiate( filename="./mesh.h5", mode="READ" )
CALL domainFile%open()
!!! note "Initiate Mesh"
CALL obj%Initiate(hdf5=domainFile, group="/surfaceEntities_1" )
!!! note "" Get nodal coordinates of the mesh.
CALL obj%getNodeCoord(nodeCoord=nodeCoord, hdf5=domainFile, &
& group="/nodeCoord")
!!! note ""
Export mesh to [[VTKFile_]] format. This will write the information of
mesh inside the surfaceEntities_1.vtu
The file will have the following properties
- mode="NEW"
- DataFormat=
- DataStructureType=
Note that we have set CloseTag
to .false.
since we want to write more information.
CALL obj%ExportToVTK(vtkFile=vtkFile, nodeCoord=nodeCoord, &
& filename="./surfaceEntities_1.vtu", OpenTag=.TRUE., &
& Content=.TRUE., CloseTag=.FALSE.)
!!! note "Write node data"
Because it is nodal data, we mention location as node
. Also we want to open the PointData tag, since we have initiated writing the data.
CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(location=String('node'), &
& action=String('open'))
Let us prepare the noda data for pressure.
CALL reallocate(pressure, obj%getTotalNodes())
CALL random_NUMBER(pressure); pressure = pressure * 10
Now that the data is ready, let us flush it in the [[VTKFile_]].
CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(name=String("node_data"), &
& x=pressure, numberOfComponents=1)
If you want to write more point data, then add it below.
CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(name=String("pressure"), &
& x=pressure, numberOfComponents=1)
Now that we are done with writing point data, let us close the <PointData>
CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(location=String('node'), &
& action=String('close'))
!!! note "Write Cell Data"
CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(location=String('cell'), &
& action=String('open'))
CALL reallocate(pressure, obj%getTotalElements())
CALL random_NUMBER(pressure); pressure = pressure * 10
CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(name=String("cell_data"), &
& x=pressure, numberOfComponents=1)
CALL vtkFile%WriteDataArray(location=String('cell'), &
& action=String('close'))
CALL vtkFile%WritePiece()
CALL vtkFile%Close()
!!! settings "Cleanup"
CALL obj%Deallocate()
CALL domainFile%Deallocate()