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VTKFile example 8

This example shows how to construct structuredGrid (BINARY) vtkfile.

Use association

  • [[VTKFile_]]


USE easifemBase
USE easifemClasses
Implicit None
TYPE(VTKFile_) :: aVTKfile
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: xv(:), yv(:), zv(:), x(:, :, :), &
& y(:, :, :), z(:, :, :)
INTEGER(I4B) :: nx1 = 0, nx2 = 9, ny1 = 0, ny2 = 5, nz1 = 0, nz2 = 5
CHARACTER( LEN = * ), PARAMETER :: filename="./example8.vts"

!!! note "" Let us initiate a vtkfile for structured grid. We need to specify the WholeExtent.

  CALL aVTKfile%InitiateVTKFile( &
& filename=filename, &
& mode="NEW", &
& DataFormat=VTK_BINARY, &
& DataStructureType=VTK_StructuredGrid, &
& WholeExtent=[nx1, nx2, ny1, ny2, nz1, nz2])

!!! note "Piece 1" In the following we add a piece (portion of geometry defined by the extent). Note that we can specify as many piece as we want.

  CALL aVTKfile%WritePiece(extent=[nx1, nx2, ny1, ny2, nz1, nz2])
  xv = linspace(0.0_DFP, 1.0_DFP, (nx2 - nx1) + 1)
yv = linspace(0.0_DFP, 1.0_DFP, (ny2 - ny1) + 1)
zv = linspace(0.0_DFP, 1.0_DFP, (nz2 - nz1) + 1)

!!! note "" Now we create meshgrid

  CALL MeshGrid(x=x, y=y, z=z, xgv=xv, ygv=yv, zgv=zv)
  CALL aVTKfile%WritePoints(x=x, y=y, z=z)

!!! note "" Closing the piece.

  CALL aVTKfile%WritePiece()

!!! note "cleanup" Closing the file, a simple Deallocate is enough.

  CALL aVTKfile%Deallocate()