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This procedure pointer assembles the problem


CLASS(AbstractSteadyStokes_), INTENT(INOUT) :: obj


This example tests and demonstrates the usage of AssembleTanMat() method.

Use modules

USE easifemBase
USE easifemClasses
USE easifemMaterials
USE easifemKernels
USE SteadyStokes221_Class

Declare variables

  TYPE( SteadyStokes221_ ) :: obj
TYPE( ParameterList_ ) :: param
TYPE( DomainPointer_ ) :: domains(2)
CLASS( Domain_ ), POINTER :: dom => NULL()
CHARACTER( LEN = * ), PARAMETER :: domainFileNamePressure="./mesh_tri3.h5"
CHARACTER( LEN = * ), PARAMETER :: domainFileNameVelocity="./mesh_tri6.h5"
TYPE(String) :: filename(2)
TYPE( MeshSelection_ ) :: region
CLASS( DirichletBC_ ), POINTER :: dbc => NULL()

Set parameters

Initiate an instance of ParameterList_, param, this will be used to initiate several objects.

Initiate param
  CALL FPL_INIT(); CALL param%Initiate()
set SteadyStokes221 parameters
  CALL SetSteadyStokes221Param( &
& param=param, &
& isConservativeForm=.TRUE., &
& gravity = [0.0_DFP, -9.8_DFP, 0.0_DFP], &
& domainFileForPressure = domainFileNamePressure, &
& domainFileForVelocity = domainFileNameVelocity, &
& engine="NATIVE_SERIAL", &
& CoordinateSystem=KERNEL_CARTESIAN, &
& maxIter = 100, &
& rtoleranceForPressure = REAL( 1.0E-6, DFP ), &
& rtoleranceForVelocity = REAL( 1.0E-6, DFP ), &
& atoleranceForPressure = REAL( 1.0E-6, DFP ), &
& atoleranceForVelocity = REAL( 1.0E-6, DFP ), &
& toleranceForSteadyState = REAL( 1.0E-6, DFP ), &
& tFluidMaterials=1, &
& tDirichletBCForPressure=1, &
& tDirichletBCForVelocity=3, &
& baseInterpolationForSpace="LagrangeInterpolation", &
& baseContinuityForSpace="H1", &
& quadratureTypeForSpace="GaussLegendre", &
& postProcessOpt=1)
Set param for linSolver
  CALL SetLinSolverParam( &
& param=param, &
& solverName=LIS_GMRES,&
& preconditionOption=NO_PRECONDITION, &
& convergenceIn=convergenceInRes, &
& convergenceType=relativeConvergence, &
& maxIter=100, &
& relativeToRHS=.TRUE., &
& KrylovSubspaceSize=20, &
& rtol=REAL( 1.0E-10, DFP ), &
& atol=REAL( 1.0D-10, DFP ) )

Initiate domain

Initiate domain
  filename = [String(domainFileNameVelocity), &
& String(domainFileNamePressure)]
CALL e%setQuietMode(.TRUE.)
CALL Initiate(domains=domains, filename=filename)
In line 1, make sure that Velocity domain comes first.

Initiate kernel

Initiate kernel
  CALL e%setQuietMode(.TRUE.)
CALL obj%Initiate(param=param, domains=domains )

Here, line 1 is to allow verbosity.

Add fluid material to kernel. To do so, we first create an instance of MeshSelection_. Then we add this instance to the kernel.

adding fluid material
  CALL e%setQuietMode(.TRUE.)
CALL region%Initiate( isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE. )
CALL region%Add( dim=obj%nsd, meshID=[1] )
CALL SetFluidMaterialParam( &
& param=param, &
& name="fluidMaterial", &
& massDensity=1000.0_DFP, &
& dynamicViscosity = 0.001_DFP, &
& stressStrainModel="NewtonianFluidModel" )
CALL SetNewtonianFluidModelParam( &
& param = param, &
& dynamicViscosity = 0.001_DFP )
  CALL e%setQuietMode(.TRUE.)
CALL obj%AddFluidMaterial( &
& materialNo=1, &
& materialName="fluidMaterial", &
& param=param, &
& region=region)
CALL region%Deallocate()

Add Dirichlet boundary condition

V1=0, Now we show how to add dirichlet boundary condition. To this end first we create an instance of MeshSelection_ to select the region of the mesh. Then we define the dirichlet bonundary condition, and pass these two information to kernel.

Set parameters for dirichlet boundary condition:

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam( &
& param=param, &
& name="ZeroV1", &
& idof=1, &
& nodalValueType=Constant, &
& useFunction=.FALSE. )

Select the mesh region:

#define BOTTOM 1
#define RIGHT 2
#define TOP 3
#define LEFT 4
  CALL region%Initiate( isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE. )
CALL region%Add( dim=obj%nsd-1, meshID=[BOTTOM, RIGHT, LEFT] )
CALL region%Set()

Add dirichlet boundary condition and the region to kernel:

  CALL obj%AddVelocityDirichletBC( &
& dbcNo=1, &
& param=param, &
& boundary=region )
dbc => obj%GetVelocityDirichletBCPointer( dbcNo=1 )
CALL dbc%Set( ConstantNodalValue=0.0_DFP )

V1=U, Set parameters for dirichlet boundary condition:

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam( &
& param=param, &
& name="UpstreamV1", &
& idof=1, &
& nodalValueType=Constant, &
& useFunction=.FALSE. )

Select the mesh region:

  CALL region%Deallocate()
CALL region%Initiate( isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE. )
CALL region%Add( dim=obj%nsd-1, meshID=[TOP] )
CALL region%Set()

Add dirichlet boundary condition and the region to kernel:

  CALL obj%AddVelocityDirichletBC( &
& dbcNo=2, &
& param=param, &
& boundary=region )
dbc => obj%GetVelocityDirichletBCPointer( dbcNo=2 )
CALL dbc%Set( ConstantNodalValue=0.1_DFP )
CALL region%Deallocate()

V2=0, Set parameters for dirichlet boundary condition:

  CALL SetDirichletBCParam( &
& param=param, &
& name="ZeroV2", &
& idof=2, &
& nodalValueType=Constant, &
& useFunction=.FALSE. )

Select the mesh region:

  CALL region%Deallocate()
CALL region%Initiate( isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE. )
CALL region%Add( dim=obj%nsd-1, meshID=[BOTTOM, RIGHT, TOP, LEFT] )
CALL region%Set()

Add dirichlet boundary condition and the region to kernel:

  CALL obj%AddVelocityDirichletBC( &
& dbcNo=3, &
& param=param, &
& boundary=region )
dbc => obj%GetVelocityDirichletBCPointer( dbcNo=3 )
CALL dbc%Set( ConstantNodalValue=0.0_DFP ); dbc=>NULL()
CALL region%Deallocate()

P=0, Set parameters for dirichlet boundary condition:

setting boundary condition P=0
CALL SetDirichletBCParam( &
& param=param, &
& name="ZeroP", &
& idof=1, &
& nodalValueType=Constant, &
& useFunction=.FALSE. )

Select the mesh region:

CALL region%Deallocate()
CALL region%Initiate( isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE. )
CALL region%Add( dim=obj%nsd-1, meshID=[BOTTOM] )
CALL region%Set()

Add dirichlet boundary condition and the region to kernel:

  CALL obj%AddPressureDirichletBC( dbcNo=1, param=param, &
& boundary=region )
dbc => obj%GetPressureDirichletBCPointer( dbcNo=1 )
CALL dbc%Set( ConstantNodalValue=0.0_DFP ); dbc=>NULL()
CALL region%Deallocate()

Now that we are done with the setup, we should call Set method. In this method, the kernel checks the data, configuration, and intiates appropriate variables.

  CALL obj%Set()


assembling tangent matrix
  CALL e%setQuietMode(.TRUE.)
CALL obj%AssembleTanmat()
checking sparsity pattern
  CALL obj%Kmat%SPY(filename="./Kmat", ext=".png")
CALL obj%Gmat%SPY(filename="./Gmat", ext=".png")

Results are given below



  CALL e%setQuietMode(.FALSE.)
CALL obj%Assemble()


  CALL obj%Deallocate()
CALL param%Deallocate()