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MeshSelection_ class is designed to select parts of domain_ object.

It selects the mesh_ by using meshID , elemNum, nodeNum and/or boundingBox.

This class can be used to map material properties to meshes. In general it can be used to tag mesh entities.


TYPE :: MeshSelection_
LOGICAL(LGT), PUBLIC :: isInitiated = .FALSE.
LOGICAL(LGT), PUBLIC :: isSelectionByMeshID = .FALSE.
LOGICAL(LGT), PUBLIC :: isSelectionByElemNum = .FALSE.
LOGICAL(LGT), PUBLIC :: isSelectionByBox = .FALSE.
LOGICAL(LGT), PUBLIC :: isSelectionByNodeNum = .FALSE.
TYPE(IntVector_) :: pointMeshID
TYPE(IntVector_) :: curveMeshID
TYPE(IntVector_) :: surfaceMeshID
TYPE(IntVector_) :: volumeMeshID
TYPE(IntVector_) :: pointElemNum
TYPE(IntVector_) :: curveElemNum
TYPE(IntVector_) :: surfaceElemNum
TYPE(IntVector_) :: volumeElemNum
TYPE(IntVector_) :: nodeNum
  • isInitiated, True if an instance of MeshSelection is initiated
  • isSelectionByMeshID, True if the mesh selection is done by specifying the mesh id
  • isSelectionByElemNum, True if the mesh slection is done by specifying the global element number
  • isSelectionByBox, True if the mesh selection is done by specifying the bounding box
  • isSelectionByNodeNum, True if the mesh selection is done by specifying global node numbers
  • pointMeshID, It denotes the IDs of mesh which has xidim=0, that is point mesh
  • curveMeshID, It denotes the IDs of mesh which has xidim=1, that is, curve mesh
  • surfaceMeshID, It denotes the IDs of mesh which has xidim=2, that is, surface mesh
  • volumeMeshID, It denotes the IDs of mesh which has xidim=3, that is, volume mesh
  • pointElemNum, It denotes the global element numbers that are used to select the mesh, and belongs to the point mesh
  • curveElemNum, It denotes the global element numbers that are used to select the mesh, and belongs to the curve mesh
  • surfaceElemNum, It denotes the global element numbers that are used to select the mesh, and belongs to the surface mesh
  • volumeElemNum, It denotes the global element numbers that are used to select the mesh, and belongs to the volume mesh
  • nodeNum, It denotes the global node number that are used to select the mesh