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Description of Kernel​

  • (1) Equal order interpolation for velocity and pressure field
  • (1) Coupled linear system (dof=[u, p])
  • (1) Constant material properties

Variational multiscale stabilization method is used, and following options are allowed

  • SubscalePressure = True or False
  • BoundarySubscale = True or False
  • WeakDBC = True or False
  • Multiphase = True or False


  • Body-force
  • gravity
  • conservative and non-conservative form.
  • Neumann boundary condition
  • higher order terms
  • Positive and negative sign in case of HOT
  • boundary subscale
  • pressure subscale
  • no-slip boundary condition
  • free-slip boundary condition
  • inlet boundary condition
  • outlet boundary-condition
  • add an option to calculate stabilization parameter only at the center of the element
  • handle quadrature mapping in general form
  • Add reference pressure node and pressure value.

Ideas for optimization​

  • Constant stabilization parameter
  • Better precondition for iterative solver
