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STConvectiveMatrix example 1

!!! note "" This example shows how to USE the SUBROUTINE called ConvectiveMatrix to create a space-time convective matrix. Line2 in space and time.

Here, we want to DO the following.

M(I,J,a,b)=InΩcjNITaxjNJTbdΩdtM\left( {I,J,a,b} \right) = {\int_{{I_n}}^{} {\int_\Omega ^{} {{c_j}\frac{{\partial {N^I}{T_a}}}{{\partial {x_j}}} \cdot {N^J}{T_b}d\Omega dt} } } M(I,J,a,b)=InΩNITacjNJTbxjdΩdtM\left(I,J,a,b\right)=\int_{I_{n}}\int_{\Omega}N^{I}T_{a}c_{j}\frac{\partial N^{J}T_{b}}{\partial x_{j}}d\Omega dt

!!! warning "" cc is convective velocity, which can be a constant, or a FUNCTION of space-time, or some nonlinear FUNCTION.

In this example, convective matrix is formed for

  • [[ReferenceLine_]] Line2 element for space
  • [[ReferenceLine_]] Line2 element for time
  • [[QuadraturePoint_]] GaussLegendre
  • Constant velocity

Modules and classes

  • [[ElemshapeData_]]


USE easifemBase
TYPE(STElemshapeData_), ALLOCATABLE :: test(:)
TYPE(ElemshapeData_) :: time_elemsd
TYPE(Quadraturepoint_) :: quadFortime
TYPE(Quadraturepoint_) :: quadForspace
TYPE(ReferenceLine_):: refelemForSpace
TYPE(ReferenceLine_) :: refelemForTime
INTEGER(I4B) :: ii
INTEGER(I4B), PARAMETER :: nsd=1, nns=2, nnt=2
INTEGER(I4B), PARAMETER :: orderForTime=2, orderForSpace=1
REAL(DFP), PARAMETER :: tij(1, 2) = RESHAPE([-1,1], [1,2])
REAL(DFP), PARAMETER :: xij(1, 2)=RESHAPE([-1,1], [nsd, nns])
! spatial nodal coordinates
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: xija(:, :, :), mat(:,:)
! spatial-temporal nodal coordinates
REAL(DFP), parameter :: c(1) = [1.0]
type(FEVariable_) :: cvar

!!! note "" First, we initiate a [[ReferenceLine_]] element for time domain. Note that nsd should be 1 when making reference element for time domain. Generate the quadrature points, and initiates an instance of [[ElemshapeData_]].

    refelemForTime= ReferenceLine(nsd=1)
CALL Initiate(obj=quadFortime, &
& refelem=refelemForTime,&
& order=orderForTime, &
& quadratureType="GaussLegendre" )
CALL Initiate( &
& obj=time_elemsd, &
& quad=quadForTime, &
& refelem=refelemForTime, &
& ContinuityType=typeH1,&
& InterpolType=TypeLagrangeInterpolation)
CALL Set(obj=time_elemsd, &
& val=tiJ, N=time_elemsd%N, &
& dNdXi=time_elemsd%dNdXi)

!!! note "" Initiate [[STElemshapeData_]].

    CALL Initiate(obj=test, elemsd=time_elemsd)

!!! note "" Generating shape functions for space-elements. Here, we are selecting a triangular element

    refelemForSpace = ReferenceLine(nsd=nsd)
CALL Initiate(obj=quadForSpace, &
& refelem=refelemForSpace, &
& order=orderForSpace, &
& quadratureType='GaussLegendre')
    DO ii = 1, SIZE(test)
CALL Initiate( obj=test(ii), &
& quad=quadForSpace, &
& refelem=refelemForSpace, &
& ContinuityType=typeH1, &
& InterpolType=TypeLagrangeInterpolation)

!!! note "" Setting the remaining DATA in obj. Here, xija are the space-time nodal coordinates.

	CALL Reallocate(xija, nsd, nns, nnt)
DO ii = 1, nnt; xija(:, :, ii) = xij; END DO
DO ii = 1, SIZE(test)
CALL Set(obj=test(ii), &
& val=xija, &
& N=test(ii)%N, &
& dNdXi=test(ii)%dNdXi, &
& T=test(ii)%T)

!!! note "" Let us now create the space-time convective matrix.

    cvar = NodalVariable(c, typeFEVariableVector, typeFEVariableConstant)
    mat=ConvectiveMatrix(test=test, trial=test, term1=DEL_NONE, term2=DEL_x, c=cvar)
CALL Display(mat, "mat:")

??? example "Results"

-0.333333 0.333333 -0.166667 0.166667
-0.333333 0.333333 -0.166667 0.166667
-0.166667 0.166667 -0.333333 0.333333
-0.166667 0.166667 -0.333333 0.333333
    mat=ConvectiveMatrix(test=test, trial=test, term1=DEL_x, term2=DEL_NONE, c=cvar)
CALL Display(mat, "mat:")

??? example "Results"

-0.333333 -0.333333 -0.166667 -0.166667
0.333333 0.333333 0.166667 0.166667
-0.166667 -0.166667 -0.333333 -0.333333
0.166667 0.166667 0.333333 0.333333

!!! settings "Cleanup"