- ܀ Interface
- ️܀ See example
- ↢
MODULE PURE FUNCTION LegendreDMatrix(n, x, quadType) &
& RESULT(ans)
!! order of Legendre polynomial
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: x(0:n)
!! quadrature points
INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: quadType
!! Gauss and GaussLobatto
REAL(DFP) :: ans(0:n, 0:n)
!! D matrix
END FUNCTION LegendreDMatrix
- This routine yields the differentiation matrix, .
In this example we consider
program main
use easifembase
use easifemclasses
implicit none
integer( i4b ) :: n, ii
real(dfp), allocatable :: fval( : ), pt( : ), wt(:), &
& f1val(:), error(:, :), D(:,:)
real( dfp ), parameter :: tol=1.0E-10
type(string) :: astr
integer( i4b ), parameter :: quadType = GaussLobatto
Structure of D for odd N
n = 5
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1, fval, n+1 )
call LegendreQuadrature( n=n+1, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
fval = func1(pt)
D = LegendreDMatrix(n=n, x=pt, quadType=quadType)
CALL display(MdEncode(D), "D="//CHAR_LF)
D =
-7.5 | 10.141 | -4.0362 | 2.2447 | -1.3499 | 0.5 |
-1.7864 | -1.34059E-14 | 2.5234 | -1.1528 | 0.65355 | -0.23778 |
0.48495 | -1.7213 | 5.55112E-15 | 1.753 | -0.78636 | 0.2697 |
-0.2697 | 0.78636 | -1.753 | -5.55112E-15 | 1.7213 | -0.48495 |
0.23778 | -0.65355 | 1.1528 | -2.5234 | 1.34059E-14 | 1.7864 |
-0.5 | 1.3499 | -2.2447 | 4.0362 | -10.141 | 7.5 |
Structure of D for even D
n = 6
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1, fval, n+1 )
call LegendreQuadrature( n=n+1, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
fval = func1(pt)
D = LegendreDMatrix(n=n, x=pt, quadType=quadType)
CALL display(MdEncode(D), "D="//CHAR_LF)
D =
-10.5 | 14.202 | -5.669 | 3.2 | -2.05 | 1.3174 | -0.5 |
-2.4429 | -3.08087E-15 | 3.4558 | -1.5986 | 0.96134 | -0.60225 | 0.22661 |
0.62526 | -2.2158 | 2.27596E-15 | 2.2667 | -1.0664 | 0.61639 | -0.2261 |
-0.3125 | 0.90754 | -2.007 | 3.83027E-15 | 2.007 | -0.90754 | 0.3125 |
0.2261 | -0.61639 | 1.0664 | -2.2667 | -2.27596E-15 | 2.2158 | -0.62526 |
-0.22661 | 0.60225 | -0.96134 | 1.5986 | -3.4558 | 3.08087E-15 | 2.4429 |
0.5 | -1.3174 | 2.05 | -3.2 | 5.669 | -14.202 | 10.5 |
error = zeros(30, 2, 1.0_DFP)
DO n = 1, SIZE(error,1)
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1, fval, n+1 )
call LegendreQuadrature( n=n+1, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
fval = func1(pt)
D = LegendreDMatrix(n=n, x=pt, quadType=quadType)
f1val = dfunc1(pt)
error(n,1) = n
error(n,2) = NORM2( ABS(f1val-MATMUL(D,fval)) )
CALL display( MdEncode(error), "error=")
order(n) | MAX(err) |
1 | 17.772 |
2 | 21.766 |
5 | 30.677 |
10 | 30.737 |
15 | 5.9239 |
20 | 8.60174E-02 |
25 | 1.11384E-04 |
30 | 1.93772E-07 |
elemental function func1(x) result(ans)
real(dfp), intent(in) :: x
real(dfp) :: ans
ans = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * x)
end function func1
elemental function dfunc1(x) result(ans)
real(dfp), intent(in) :: x
real(dfp) :: ans
ans = 4.0_DFP * pi * COS(4.0_DFP * pi * x)
end function dfunc1
end program main