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This subroutine set the Barycentric coordinates

xi=xiINIx_i = x_{iI} N^{I}
  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE setBarycentricCoord(obj, val, N)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(INOUT) :: obj
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:, :)
!! Nodal coordinates in `xiJ` format
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: N(:, :)
!! When element is not an isoparametric we can supply N.
END SUBROUTINE setBarycentricCoord

The following subroutine set the barycentric coordinates by using space-time nodal coordinates

x=xIaNITax=x_{I}^{a} N^I T_a
  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE setBarycentricCoord(obj, val, N, T)
CLASS(STElemshapeData_), INTENT(INOUT) :: obj
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:, :, :)
!! space-time Nodal coordinates in `xiJ` format
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: N(:, :), T(:)
!! N and T are required to handle non isoparametric elements
END SUBROUTINE setBarycentricCoord