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This subroutine performs interpolation of a scalar from its spatial nodal values.

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE getInterpolation_1(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj
!! Interpolation value of of scalar
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:)
!! spatial nodal values of scalar
END SUBROUTINE getInterpolation_1

The subroutine performs interpolation of a scalar from its space-time nodal values.


The resultant represents the interpolation value of val at spatial-quadrature points

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE getInterpolation_2(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj
!! Interpolation of scalar
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:, :)
!! space-time nodal values of scalar
END SUBROUTINE getInterpolation_2

The following subroutine performs interpolation of a scalar from its space-time nodal values.


The resultant represents the interpolation value of val at spatial-temporal quadrature points

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE getInterpolation_3(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(STElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj(:)
!! space-time Interpolation of scalar
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:, :)
!! space-time nodal values of scalar
END SUBROUTINE getInterpolation_3

The following rotuine returns the interpolation of scalar variable. The scalar variable can be

  • constant
  • spatial nodal values
  • spatial quadrature values
  • space-time nodal values

This routine calls [[../configuration/interpolation]] function from the same module.

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE scalar_getInterpolation_4(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj
!! interpolation of scalar
TYPE(FEVariable_), INTENT(IN) :: val
!! Scalar FE variable
END SUBROUTINE scalar_getInterpolation_4

The following subroutine performs interpolation of a scalar [[FEVariable_]]. The FE Variable can be a

  • constant
  • spatial nodal values
  • spatial quadrature values
  • space-time nodal values

The resultant represents the interpolation value of val at spatial-quadrature points.

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE scalar_getInterpolation_5(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(STElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj(:)
!! space-time interpolation of scalar
TYPE(FEVariable_), INTENT(IN) :: val
!! scalar FE variable
END SUBROUTINE scalar_getInterpolation_5

The following subroutine performs interpolation of a vector from its spatial nodal values.

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE vector_getInterpolation_1(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj
!! interpolation of vector
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:, :)
!! nodal values of vector in `xiJ` format
END SUBROUTINE vector_getInterpolation_1

This subroutine performs interpolation of a vector from its space-time nodal values

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE vector_getInterpolation_2(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:, :, :)
!! space-time nodal values of vector in `xiJa` format
END SUBROUTINE vector_getInterpolation_2

This subroutine performs interpolation of a vector from its space-time nodal values

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE vector_getInterpolation_3(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(STElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj(:)
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:, :, :)
!! space-time nodal values of vector in `xiJa` format
END SUBROUTINE vector_getInterpolation_3

The following routine returns the interpolation of vector variable. The vector variable can be+

  • constant
  • spatial nodal values
  • spatial quadrature values
  • space-time nodal values

NOTE This routine calls [[../configuration/interpolation]] function from the same module.

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE vector_getInterpolation_4(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj
!! interpolation of vector
TYPE(FEVariable_), INTENT(IN) :: val
!! vector FEvariable
END SUBROUTINE vector_getInterpolation_4

The following routine returns the interpolation of vector variable. The vector variable can be+

  • constant
  • spatial nodal values
  • spatial quadrature values
  • space-time nodal values

NOTE This routine calls [[#Interpolation]] function from the same module.

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE vector_getInterpolation_5(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(STElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj(:)
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: interpol(:, :, :)
!! space-time interpolation of vector
TYPE(FEVariable_), INTENT(IN) :: val
!! vector FEvariable
END SUBROUTINE vector_getInterpolation_5

The following subroutine performs interpolation of matrix

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE matrix_getInterpolation_1(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: interpol(:, :, :)
!! interpolation of matrix
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:, :, :)
!! nodal value of matrix
END SUBROUTINE matrix_getInterpolation_1

The following subroutine performs interpolation of matrix from its space-time nodal values

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE matrix_getInterpolation_2(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj
REAL(DFP), INTENT(INOUT), ALLOCATABLE :: interpol(:, :, :)
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:, :, :, :)
!! space-time nodal value of matrix
END SUBROUTINE matrix_getInterpolation_2

The following subroutine performs interpolation of matrix from its space-time nodal values

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE matrix_getInterpolation_3(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(STElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj(:)
REAL(DFP), INTENT(INOUT), ALLOCATABLE :: interpol(:, :, :,:)
!! space-time interpolation
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: val(:, :, :, :)
!! space-time nodal value of matrix
END SUBROUTINE matrix_getInterpolation_3

The following subroutine performs interpolation of matrix FEVariable

  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE matrix_getInterpolation_4(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: interpol(:, :, :)
!! interpolation of matrix
TYPE(FEVariable_), INTENT(IN) :: val
!! matrix fe variable
END SUBROUTINE matrix_getInterpolation_4
  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE matrix_getInterpolation_5(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(STElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj(:)
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: interpol(:, :, :, :)
!! space-time interpolation of matrix
TYPE(FEVariable_), INTENT(IN) :: val
!! matrix fe variable
END SUBROUTINE matrix_getInterpolation_5
  • Returns the interpolation of a [[FEVariable_]]
  • The result is returned in interpol
  • interpol is a FEVariable
  • The rank of interpol is same as the rank of val
  • interpol is defined on Quadrature, that is, interpol is QuadratureVariable
  • The val can have following ranks; scalar, vector, matrix
  • the val can be defined on quadrature (do nothing) or nodal (interpol)
  • The vartype of val can be constant, space, time, spacetime
  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE master_getInterpolation_1(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(ElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj
TYPE(FEVariable_), INTENT(INOUT) :: interpol
TYPE(FEVariable_), INTENT(IN) :: val
END SUBROUTINE master_getInterpolation_1

The following routine returns the interpolation of a [[fevariable_]]

  • The result is returned in interpol
  • interpol is a FEVariable
  • The rank of interpol is same as the rank of val
  • interpol is defined on Quadrature, that is, interpol is QuadratureVariable
  • The val can have following ranks; scalar, vector, matrix
  • the val can be defined on quadrature (do nothing) or nodal (interpol)
  • The vartype of val can be constant, space, time, spacetime
  MODULE PURE SUBROUTINE master_getInterpolation_2(obj, interpol, val)
CLASS(STElemshapeData_), INTENT(IN) :: obj(:)
TYPE(FEVariable_), INTENT(INOUT) :: interpol
TYPE(FEVariable_), INTENT(IN) :: val
END SUBROUTINE master_getInterpolation_2

To learn more these methods check out the following pages.

  • [[ElemshapeData_test_21]] Use of getInterpolation, interpolation of [[FEVariable]] in the form of [[FEVariable_]] for scalars
  • [[ElemshapeData_test_22]] Use of getInterpolation, interpolation of [[FEVariable]] in the form of [[FEVariable_]] for vectors
  • [[ElemshapeData_test_23]] Use of getInterpolation, interpolation of [[FEVariable]] in the form of [[FEVariable_]] for matrix.