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  • TODO : documentation of [[ElemshapeData_]] getMethods setMethods
  • TODO : support for H1DIV_
  • TODO : support for H1CURL_
  • TODO : support for DG_
  • TODO : HermitInterpolation
  • TODO: SerendipityInterpolation
  • TODO: HierarchyInterpolation
  • TODO: Change continuityType to conformityType


ElemshapeData_ datatype contains the shape-function data related information at the integration points in a finite element. In FEM, generally we need the following information about the shape functions, at the integration points.

  • Shape functions, NN
  • Local gradient of shape functions, dNdξ\frac{dN}{d\xi}
  • Global gradient of shape functions, dNdxi\frac{dN}{dx_{i}}
  • Jacobian of mapping from reference element to parent elemen dxidXJ\frac{dx_{i}}{dX_{J}}
  • The value of weight function WsW_{s}
  • Thickness in the case of plane-stress condition
  • Barycentric coordinate of physical/parent element

One of the essential parameters for defining the shape functions is continuity of the shape functions, which is described below.

  • H1_

  • H1DIV_

  • H1CURL_

  • DG_

  • Another important information to complete the information stored inside an instance of ElemshapeData_ is [[QuadraturePoint_]].

  • Information of the reference element [[ReferenceElement_]] is also required to construct the element shape data

  • Information about the the Interpolation type is also necessary. Following interpolations are possible.

    • LagrangeInterpolation
    • HermitInterpolation
    • SerendipityInterpolation
    • HierarchyInterpolation


The structure of this data type is given below.

TYPE :: ElemShapeData_
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: dNdXi(:, :, :)
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: jacobian(:, :, :)
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: dNdXt(:, :, :)
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: thickness(:)
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: coord(:, :)
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: normal(:, :)
TYPE(ReferenceElement_) :: refElem
TYPE(QuadraturePoint_) :: quad
END TYPE ElemShapeData_

The information about these variables is given below:

  • N shape-function value N(I,ips)
  • dNdXi local derivative of a shape function dNIdξj\frac{dN^{I}}{d\xi_{j}} dNdXi(I,j,ips)
  • jacobian Jacobian of mapping from reference element to parent element xiξj\frac{\partial x_{i}}{\partial \xi_{j}} Jacobian(i,j,ips)
  • js determinant of Jacobian Js(ips)
  • ws weight for numerical integration Ws(ips)
  • dNdXt global derivative of a shape function dNIdxj\frac{dN^{I}}{dx_{j}} dNdx(I,j,ips)
  • thickness thickness at the integration points
  • coord barycentric coordinates Coord(i,ips)
  • normal normal vector in the case of facet element
  • refelem pointer to the reference element [[ReferenceElement_]]
  • quad instance of [[QuadraturePoint_]]


The main module is ElemshapeData_Method.f90, which contains following submodules.

  • @ConstructorMethods.F90
  • @IOMethods.F90
  • @GetMethods.F90
  • @StabilizationParamMethods.F90
  • @ProjectionMethods.F90
  • @InterpolMethods.F90
  • @LocalGradientMethods.F90
  • @GradientMethods.F90
  • @LocalDivergenceMethods.F90
  • @DivergenceMethods.F90
  • @SetMethod.F90
  • @H1Lagrange.F90
  • @H1Lagrange@Line.F90
  • @H1Lagrange@Triangle.F90
  • @H1Lagrange@Quadrangle.F90
  • @H1Lagrange@Tetrahedron.F90
  • @H1Lagrange@Hexahedron.F90
  • @H1Lagrange@Prism.F90
  • @H1Lagrange@Pyramid.F90
  • @H1Serendipity.F90
  • @H1Hermit.F90
  • @H1Hierarchy.F90
  • @H1DivLagrange.F90
  • @H1DivSerendipity.F90
  • @H1DivHermit.F90
  • @H1DivHierarchy.F90
  • @H1CurlLagrange.F90
  • @H1CurlSerendipity.F90
  • @H1CurlHermit.F90
  • @H1CurlHierarchy.F90
  • @DGLagrange.F90
  • @DGSerendipity.F90
  • @DGHermit.F90
  • @DGHierarchy.F90

For example, the submodule ElemshapeData_Method@H1Lagrange.f90 implements the shape function which belongs to the H1 Lagrange polynomial family. It has following sub-submodules corresponding to the geometry of the reference element.

  • @Line.f90 Arbitrary order
  • @Triangle.f90 upto 3rd order
  • @Quadrangle.f90 upto 1st order
  • @Tetrahedron.f90 Todo
  • @Hexahedron.f90 Todo
  • @Prism.f90 Todo
  • @Pyramid.f90 Todo