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AbstractSTDBE_ class is an abstract class, which is designed for solving the transient Darcy-Brinkman Equation by using the space-time finite element method.

AbstractSTDBE_ is a child of AbstractKernel_.

The concrete class of AbstractSTDBE_ has the name of STDBEXYZ_ where X,Y,Z are a numbers.

X denotes the finite element technique used by the kernel.

  • Equal order interpolation for pressure and velocity with VMS stabilization
  • Equal order interpolation for pressure and velocity with partial VMS terms
  • Equal order interpolation for pressure and velocity with SUPG stabilization
  • Mixed FEM type 1
  • Mixed FEM type 2
  • etc.

Y denotes how we solve the system of linear equations

  • Y=1, for coupled solution of system of linear equations
  • Y=2, for uncoupled (iterative methods) of system of linear equations

Z denotes the material properties

  • Z=1 material properties remains constant in the mesh
  • Z=2, material properties can change with both space and time in the mesh
  • Z=3, material properties can only change with time
  • Z=4, material properties can only change with space
  • Z=5, material porperties are given by Random field variable

Getting Started


TYPE, ABSTRACT, EXTENDS(AbstractKernel_) :: AbstractSTDBE_
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isCommonDomain = .TRUE.
INTEGER(I4B) :: stabParamOption = 1
REAL(DFP) :: rtoleranceForPressure = 1.0D-6
REAL(DFP) :: rtoleranceForVelocity = 1.0D-6
REAL(DFP) :: atoleranceForPressure = 1.0D-6
REAL(DFP) :: atoleranceForVelocity = 1.0D-6
REAL(DFP) :: toleranceForSteadyState = 1.0E-8
REAL(DFP) :: pressureError0 = 0.0_DFP
REAL(DFP) :: velocityError0 = 0.0_DFP
REAL(DFP) :: pressureError = 0.0_DFP
REAL(DFP) :: velocityError = 0.0_DFP
LOGICAL(LGT) :: ismaterialInterfaces = .FALSE.
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: materialInterfaces(:)
TYPE(DomainConnectivity_), ALLOCATABLE :: matIfaceConnectData(:)
TYPE(String) :: domainFileForPressure
TYPE(String) :: domainFileForVelocity
INTEGER(I4B) :: tPorousMaterials = 0
INTEGER(I4B) :: tFluidMaterials = 0
TYPE(PorousMaterialPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: porousMaterial(:)
TYPE(FluidMaterialPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: fluidMaterial(:)
TYPE(MeshSelection_), ALLOCATABLE :: PorousMaterialToMesh(:)
TYPE(MeshSelection_), ALLOCATABLE :: FluidMaterialToMesh(:)
TYPE(String) :: baseContinuityForPressure
TYPE(String) :: baseInterpolationForPressure
TYPE(String) :: quadratureTypeForPressure
TYPE(String) :: baseContinuityForVelocity
TYPE(String) :: baseInterpolationForVelocity
TYPE(String) :: quadratureTypeForVelocity
TYPE(DirichletBCPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: DBCForPressure(:)
TYPE(DirichletBCPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: DBCForVelocity(:)
TYPE(NeumannBCPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: NBCForPressure(:)
TYPE(NeumannBCPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: NBCForVelocity(:)
CLASS(Domain_), POINTER :: DomForPressure => NULL()
CLASS(Domain_), POINTER :: DomForVelocity => NULL()
CLASS(DomainConnectivity_), POINTER :: domConnect => NULL()
TYPE(STScalarMeshField_), ALLOCATABLE :: tausups_cell(:)
TYPE(STScalarMeshField_), ALLOCATABLE :: nulsic_cell(:)
TYPE(STScalarMeshField_), ALLOCATABLE :: hrgn_cell(:)
TYPE(STScalarMeshField_), ALLOCATABLE :: hrpgn_cell(:)
TYPE(STScalarMeshField_), ALLOCATABLE :: porosity(:)
TYPE(STScalarMeshField_), ALLOCATABLE :: dynamicViscosity(:)
TYPE(STScalarMeshField_), ALLOCATABLE :: permeability(:)
TYPE(STScalarMeshField_), ALLOCATABLE :: massDensity(:)
CLASS(BlockNodeField_), POINTER :: rhs => NULL()
CLASS(BlockNodeField_), POINTER :: sol => NULL()
CLASS(VectorField_), POINTER :: nodeCoord => NULL()
CLASS(STVectorField_), POINTER :: stNodeCoord => NULL()
CLASS(VectorField_), POINTER :: nodeCoordForPressure => NULL()
CLASS(STVectorField_), POINTER :: stNodeCoordForPressure => NULL()
CLASS(VectorField_), POINTER :: nodeCoordForVelocity => NULL()
CLASS(STVectorField_), POINTER :: stNodeCoordForVelocity => NULL()
CLASS(STScalarField_), POINTER :: pressure => NULL()
CLASS(STVectorField_), POINTER :: velocity => NULL()
CLASS(ScalarField_), POINTER :: pressure0 => NULL()
CLASS(VectorField_), POINTER :: velocity0 => NULL()
PROCEDURE(STDBE_ComputeStabParam), POINTER, PASS(obj) :: &
& ComputeStabParam => NULL()

!!! note "Inheritence" For data inherited from the see [[../AbstractKernel/AbstractKernel_]].

The meaning of the fields of AbstractSTDBE_ is given below.

  • isCommonDomain, True if the domain is common for pressure and velocity
  • stabParamOption, Stabilization parameter option
  • rtoleranceForPressure, tolerance for pressure
  • rtoleranceForVelocity, tolerance for velocity
  • atoleranceForPressure, tolerance for pressure
  • atoleranceForVelocity, tolerance for velocity
  • toleranceForSteadyState, toleranceForSteadyState
  • pressureError0, initial error for checking convergence in pressure field
  • velocityError0, initial error for checking convergence in velocity field
  • ressureError, current error for checking convergence in pressure field
  • velocityError, current error for checking convergence in velocity field
  • ismaterialInterfaces, True if materialInterfaces is allocated
  • materialInterfaces, MeshID of PorousFluidInterace
  • matIfaceConnectData, FacetToCellData for each materialInterface mesh The size of matIfaceConnectData is same as the size of materialInterfaces
  • domainFileForPressure, domain file name for pressure
  • domainFileForVelocity, domain file name for velocity
  • tPorousMaterials, Total number of porous materials
  • tFluidMaterials, Total number of fluid materials
  • porousMaterial, Pointer to porous materials, the size is
  • fluidMaterial, Pointer to the fluid materials
  • porousMaterialToMesh, Map porous media to the mesh subregion. The size of PorousMaterialToMesh is equal to
  • fluidMaterialToMesh, Map porous media to the mesh subregion. The size of FluidMaterialToMesh is equal to tFluidMaterials
  • baseContinuityForPressure, Continuity of basis function for pressure field
  • baseInterpolationForPressure, Interpolation of shape function for pressure field
  • quadratureTypeForPressure, Quadrature type for pressure field
  • baseContinuityForVelocity, Continuity of basis function for velocity field
  • baseInterpolationForVelocity, Interpolation of shape function for velocity field
  • quadratureTypeForVelocity, Quadrature type for velocity field
  • dbcForPressure, Dirichlet boundary condition for pressure
  • dbcForVelocity, Dirichlet boundary condition for velocity Quadrature type for pressure field in time domain
  • nbcForPressure, Neumann boundary condition for pressure
  • nbcForVelocity, Dirichlet boundary condition for velocity
  • domForPressure, Domain for pressure field
  • domForVelocity, Domain for velocity field
  • domConnect, Domain connectivity
  • tausups_cell, tausups for cell
  • nulsic_cell, nulsic for cell
  • hrgn_cell, hrgn for cell
  • hrpgn_cell, hrpgn for cell
  • porosity, Porosity field
  • dynamicViscosity, Dynamic viscosity
  • permeability, Permeability
  • massDensity, mass density
  • rhs, Block vector field for space-time vectors and multi-physics apps
  • sol, Block vector field for space-time vectors and multi-physics apps
  • nodeCoord, Vector field for nodal coordinates for pressure field
  • stNodeCoord, Vector field for space-time nodal coordinates for pressure field
  • nodeCoordForPressure, Vector field for nodal coordinates for pressure field
  • stNodeCoordForPressure, Vector field for space-time nodal coordinates for pressure field
  • nodeCoordForVelocity, Vector field for nodal coordinates for velocity
  • stNodeCoordForVelocity, Vector field for space-time nodal coordinates for velocity
  • pressure, Space time nodal values of pressure field
  • velocity, Space time nodal values of velocity field
  • pressure0, nodal values of pressure at the starting time
  • velocity0, nodal values of velocity at starting time
  • ComputeStabParam, This procedure pointer solves the problem


Deferred Methods

  • isSteadyState, Returns true if the steady state
  • ApplyDirichletBC, Apply dirichlet boundary condition

Implemented Methods

  • AddSurrogate, Add surrogate to the module error handler
  • DEALLOCATE Deallocate memory occupied by AbstractSTDBE_
  • Import, Import the kernel
  • Export, export the kernel
  • Display, display the kernel
  • WriteData_hdf5, Write data in hdf5 format
  • WriteData_vtk, Write data in vtk format
  • AddPorousMaterial
  • AddFluidMaterial
  • AddPressureDirichletBC
  • AddVelocityDirichletBC
  • GetPressureDirichletBCPointer
  • GetVelocityDirichletBCPointer
  • AddPressureNeumannBC
  • AddVelocityNeumannBC
  • GetPressureNeumannBCPointer
  • GetVelocityNeumannBCPointer
  • Set


  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@ConstructorMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@GetMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@InitiateFieldsMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@SetMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@IOMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@AssembleMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@AssembleTanmatMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@AssembleRHSMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@SolveMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@UpdateMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@ConvergenceMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@BCMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@ApplyDirichletBCMethods.F90
  • AbstractSTDBE_Class@MaterialMethods.F90