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AbstractKernel_ class is an abstract class for physics kernel.



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TYPE, ABSTRACT :: AbstractKernel_
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isInitiated = .FALSE.
!! This variable is Set to true when we initiate the kernel
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isCommonDomain = .TRUE.
!! This variable is True when the domain is common
!! It is useful in the case of multi-physics simulations.
!! In multi-physics applications different fields can have different
!! type and order of shape functions. To construct such shape functions
!! we may have to use different finite element meshes (hence, domains).
!! For example, in the fluid mechanics, we often use Taylor-Hood element
!! Which employs different order of interpolation for pressure and velocity.
!! NOTE: In most of the application isCommonDomain is TRUE.
TYPE(String) :: name
!! This is the name of the kernel. It can be anything you want.
TYPE(String) :: engine
!! Which type of linear solver library (engine) we use to
!! solve system of linear equations. We can specify following
!! values.
!! `LIS_OMP`
!! `LIS_MPI`
!! `PETSC`
INTEGER(I4B) :: coordinateSystem = DEFAULT_coordinateSystem
!! Spatial coordinate system type. It can take following values
!! `KERNEL_CARTESIAN` for Cartesian coordinates
!! `KERNEL_CYLINDRICAL` for Cylinderical coordinates
!! `KERNEL_SPHERICAL` for Sperical coordinates
!! NOTE: These parameters are defined in the AbstractKernelParam module.
INTEGER(I4B) :: maxIter = DEFAULT_maxIter
!! Maximum number of iteration iterations
!! This is useful when when we use iterative solvers like
!! Newton method, Modified Newton method, or Iterative-predictor solvers.
!! NOTE: DEFAULT_maxIter is defined in AbstractKernelParam
INTEGER(I4B) :: timeDependency = 0
!! This variable indicates if the problem is time dependent or not.
!! It can take following values:
!! NOTE: These variables are defined in AbstractKernelParam
INTEGER(I4B) :: nsd = 0
!! Spatial dimension of the problem,
INTEGER(I4B) :: nnt = 1
!! Number of nodes in time element
!! NOTE: This variables is used only in space-time finite element methods
INTEGER(I4B) :: tdof = 0
!! Total number of degree of freedom per node
!! NOTE: This variable is Set internally by each kernel while
!! Setting the kernel.
REAL(DFP) :: normRHS = 0.0_DFP
!! norm of the right-hand-side vector in the system of linear equations
!! NOTE: This variable is used internally
REAL(DFP) :: dt = 0.0_DFP
!! Time step size used in the pseudostatic and dynamic problems
!! Needed in transient case
REAL(DFP) :: startTime = 0.0
!! Starting time of simulation
!! NOTE: This varible is needed in the transient or pseudostatic simulation
!! only.
REAL(DFP) :: endTime = 0.0
!! Final time of the simulation
!! NOTE: This varible is needed in the transient or pseudostatic simulation
!! only.
REAL(DFP) :: currentTime = 0.0
!! The current time of the simulation
!! NOTE: This varible is needed in the transient simulation only.
INTEGER(I4B) :: currentTimeStep = 1
!! Current time step number of the simulation.
!! NOTE: This varible is needed in the transient simulation only.
INTEGER(I4B) :: totalTimeStep = 0
!! Total number of time step number in the simulation.
!! NOTE: This varible is needed in the transient simulation only.
REAL(DFP) :: lengthScale = 1.0_DFP
!! This variable denotes the length scale of the problem.
!! NOTE: This variable is for internal use only.
INTEGER(I4B) :: postProcessOpt = 0
!! Postprocessing options
!! INFO: The actual action depends upon the specific kernels
REAL(DFP) :: gravity(3) = 0.0_DFP
!! Acceleration vector due to gravity
TYPE(IterationData_) :: iterData
!! Iteration data
!! INFO: The actual action depends upon the specific kernels
INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: elemToMatId(:, :)
!! This variable denotes the Element number to material mapping.
!! For example, `elemToMatID( iel, POROUS_MATERIAL_ID )` denotes the
!! porous material type assigned to element number `iel`
!! Similarly, `elemToMatID( iel, FLUID_MATERIAL_ID )` denotes
!! the fluid material type assigned to element number `iel`.
!! Indices where Dirichlet boundary conditions is prescribed
!! INFO: This variable is for internal use only.
!! It is formed from the Dirichlet boundary conditions.
CLASS(AbstractLinSolver_), POINTER :: linsol => NULL()
!! A pointer to a Linear iterative solver
!! NOTE: The actual linear solver depends upon the
!! engine and type of problem. linsol is initiated in
!! KernelInitiateFromParam routine.
CLASS(AbstractMatrixField_), POINTER :: tanmat => NULL()
!! Global tangent matrix
!! NOTE: The actual form of tangent matrix depends upon the engine
!! and type of problem.
CLASS(Domain_), POINTER :: dom => NULL()
!! Domain of the problem
TYPE(DomainPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: domains(:)
!! Domain of the problem
TYPE(ReferenceLine_) :: refTimeElem
!! reference element for time domain
TYPE(ReferenceLine_) :: refLinTimeElem
!! reference element for time domain
TYPE(String) :: baseContinuityForSpace
!! Continuity of basis function in space
TYPE(String) :: baseInterpolationForSpace
!! Interpolation of shape function in space
TYPE(String) :: quadratureTypeForSpace
!! Quadrature type in space
INTEGER(I4B) :: quadTypeForSpace
!! Quadrature type in space
INTEGER(I4B) :: ipTypeForSpace = 0
!! Interpolation grid used for Lagrange polynomials
INTEGER(I4B) :: basisTypeForSpace = 0
!! Basis type for space
REAL(DFP) :: alphaForSpace = 0.0_DFP
!! Parameter for Jacobi polynomials in space
REAL(DFP) :: betaForSpace = 0.0_DFP
!! Parameter for Jacobi polynomials in space
REAL(DFP) :: lambdaForSpace = 0.0_DFP
!! Parameter for Ultraspherical polynomials in space
TYPE(String) :: baseContinuityForTime
!! Continuity of basis function in time in time domain
TYPE(String) :: baseInterpolationForTime
!! Interpolation of basis function in time
TYPE(String) :: quadratureTypeForTime
!! Quadrature type in time
INTEGER(I4B) :: quadTypeForTime
!! Quadrature type in time
INTEGER(I4B) :: ipTypeForTime
!! Interpolation grid used for Lagrange polynomials
INTEGER(I4B) :: basisTypeForTime
!! Basis type for space
REAL(DFP) :: alphaForTime = 0.0_DFP
!! Parameter for Jacobi polynomials in space
REAL(DFP) :: betaForTime = 0.0_DFP
!! Parameter for Jacobi polynomials in space
REAL(DFP) :: lambdaForTime = 0.0_DFP
!! Parameter for Ultraspherical polynomials in space
TYPE(String) :: domainFile
!! Domain file name
TYPE(QuadraturePoint_), ALLOCATABLE :: quadratureForSpace(:)
!! Quadrature points in space element
!! The size of quadratureForSpace is same as the total number of
!! mesh in the domain
TYPE(QuadraturePoint_) :: quadratureForTime
!! Quadrature points in time element
!! INFO: This is used in space-time computation
TYPE(FiniteElementPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: cellFE(:)
!! Cell finite element
TYPE(FiniteElementPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: linCellFE(:)
!! Linear cell finite element
TYPE(FiniteElementPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: facetFE(:)
!! Facet finite element
TYPE(FiniteElementPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: linFacetFE(:)
!! Linear facet finite element
TYPE(FiniteElementPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: edgeFE(:)
!! Edge finite element
TYPE(FiniteElementPointer_), ALLOCATABLE :: linEdgeFE(:)
!! Linear edge finite element
TYPE(FiniteElement_) :: timeFE
!! Time finite element
TYPE(FiniteElement_) :: linTimeFE
!! Linear time finite element
TYPE(ElemshapeData_) :: linTimeElemSD
!! Element shape data on linear time element #STFEM
TYPE(ElemshapeData_) :: timeElemSD
!! Element shape data on time element #STFEM
TYPE(ElemshapeData_), ALLOCATABLE :: linSpaceElemSD(:)
!! Element shape data on linear space (simplex) element
TYPE(ElemshapeData_), ALLOCATABLE :: spaceElemSD(:)
!! Element shape data on space element
TYPE(STElemshapeData_), ALLOCATABLE :: stelemsd(:, :)
!! Element shape data on space-time element


This is set to true when the kernel is initiated.


This is set to true when single domain is used for several physical variables. This is applicable to multi-physics problems, only.


It is the name of the kernel


Linear solver engine name, following engines are possible:


Default engine is NATIVE_SERIAL


Spatial coordinate type and spatial dimension of partial differential equations.

Possible options are given below.

  • KERNEL_1D_V,
  • KERNEL_2D,
  • KERNEL_3D,


It represents the time dependency of partial differential equations.



Spatial dimension of the problem, it will be determined from coordinateSystem


Number of nodes in time domain, required for space-time finite element computation.


Total number of degree of freedom per node. Internal use only


Norm of right-hand side vector. Internal use only


Time step size used in the kernel. This is needed in transient case only.


present time of simulation needed in transient case


Final time of simulation, needed in transient case


Current time, needed in transient case


Length scale of the problem


present time step number, needed in transient case


total number of time steps, needed in transient case


post-processing options


Acceleration vector due to gravity


contains information about the iteration ; such maximum number of iteration, ConvergenceType, toleranceIn, and many others, see IterationData


element number to material mapping, elemToMatID( iel, POROUS_MATERIAL_ID ) denotes the porous material type assigned to iel. Similarly, elemToMatID( iel, FLUID_MATERIAL_ID ) denotes the fluid material type assigned to iel


Linear iterative solver


Global tangent matrix


reference element for time domain


reference element for time domain


Continuity of basis function for pressure and velocity field


Interpolation of shape function for pressure and velocity field


Quadrature type for pressure field


Continuity of basis function for pressure field in time domain


Interpolation of basis function for pressure field in time domain


Quadrature type for pressure field in time domain