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! This program is a part of EASIFEM library
! Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Vikas Sharma, Ph.D
! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program. If not, see <https: //>

module test_m
use easifemBase
use easifemClasses
implicit none


subroutine test0
type( domain_ ) :: dom
type( VectorField_ ) :: obj
type( ScalarField_ ) :: scalarObj
type( HDF5File_ ) :: meshfile
type( ParameterList_ ) :: param
integer( i4b ) :: ierr
real( DFP ), ALLOCATABLE :: real1( : ), real2( :, : )
real( DFP ) :: real0

call display( "Testing get methods for normal data" )
CALL param%initiate()
ierr = param%set(key="name", value="U" )
ierr = param%set(key="fieldType", value=FIELD_TYPE_NORMAL)
ierr = param%set(key="spaceCompo", value=3)
call meshfile%initiate( filename="./mesh.h5", mode="READ" )
call meshfile%open()
call dom%initiate( meshfile )

call obj%initiate( param, dom )
call obj%set( globalNode = 10, value= 10.0_DFP*[1,2,3] )
call obj%get( globalNode = 10, value = real1 )
call display( real1, "test-1: get() = " )

call obj%set( value= -10.0_DFP, spaceCompo=1 )
call obj%set( value= -20.0_DFP, spaceCompo=2 )
call obj%set( value= -30.0_DFP, spaceCompo=3 )
call obj%get( value = real1, spaceCompo = 1 )
call display( real1, "test-2: get() = " )

call reallocate( real2, 3, 4 )
real2( :, 1 ) = [1,2,3]
real2( :, 2 ) = [4,5,6]
real2( :, 3 ) = [7,8,9]
real2( :, 4 ) = [10,11,12]
call obj%set( value=real2, globalNode=[3,5,7,9])
call obj%get( value=real2, globalNode=[3,5,7,9])
call display( real2, "test-3: get() = ")

call obj%get( value=real1, globalNode=[3,5,7,9], spaceCompo=1)
call display( real1, "test-4: get() = ")

call obj%get( value=real0, globalNode=5, spaceCompo=1)
call display( real0, "test-5: get() = ")
call obj%get( value=real0, globalNode=5, spaceCompo=2)
call display( real0, "test-5: get() = ")
call obj%get( value=real0, globalNode=5, spaceCompo=3)
call display( real0, "test-5: get() = ")

call obj%Deallocate()
call dom%Deallocate()
call meshfile%close()
call meshfile%Deallocate()
call param%Deallocate()
end subroutine


subroutine test3
type( domain_ ) :: dom
type( VectorField_ ) :: obj
type( ScalarField_ ) :: scalarObj
type( HDF5File_ ) :: meshfile
type( ParameterList_ ) :: param
integer( i4b ) :: ierr
real( DFP ), ALLOCATABLE :: real1( : ), real2( :, : )
call display( "Testing set methods for normal data" )
CALL param%initiate()
ierr = param%set(key="name", value="U" )
ierr = param%set(key="fieldType", value=FIELD_TYPE_NORMAL)
ierr = param%set(key="spaceCompo", value=3)
call meshfile%initiate( filename="./mesh.h5", mode="READ" )
call meshfile%open()
call dom%initiate( meshfile )
call obj%initiate( param, dom )

call obj%set( globalNode = 10, value= 100.0_DFP*[1,1,1] )
call obj%display( "test-1: vector field = ")

call obj%set( value= 10.0_DFP*[1,1,1] )
call obj%display( "test-2: vector field = ")

call obj%set( value= -10.0_DFP, spaceCompo=1 )
call obj%set( value= -20.0_DFP, spaceCompo=2 )
call obj%set( value= -30.0_DFP, spaceCompo=3 )
call obj%display( "test-3: vector field = ")

call reallocate( real2, 3, dom%getTotalNodes() )
real2 = 1.0_DFP
call obj%set( value=real2 )
call obj%display( "test-4: vector field = " )

call reallocate( real1, dom%getTotalNodes() )
real1 = 3.0_DFP
call obj%set( value=real1, spaceCompo=3 )
call obj%display( "test-5: vector field = " )

call scalarObj%initiate( param, dom )
call scalarObj%set( value = 2.0_DFP )
call obj%set( value=scalarObj, spaceCompo=2 )
call obj%display( "test-6: vector field = ")
ierr = param%set( key="fieldType", value=FIELD_TYPE_CONSTANT)
call scalarObj%Deallocate()
call scalarObj%initiate( param, dom )
call scalarObj%set( value=10.0_DFP )
call obj%set( value=scalarObj, spaceCompo=1 )
call obj%display( "test-7: vector field = ")

ierr = param%set( key="fieldType", value=FIELD_TYPE_NORMAL)

call reallocate( real2, 3, 4)
real2( :, 1 ) = -1.0; real2( :, 2 ) = -2.0; real2( :, 3 ) = -3.0
real2( :, 4 ) = -4.0
call obj%set( value=real2, globalNode=[1,3,5,7] )
call obj%display( "test-8: vector field = ")

call reallocate( real1, 4)
real1 = [1,10,100,1000]
call obj%set( value=real1, globalNode=[1,3,5,7], spaceCompo=1 )
call obj%display( "test-9: vector field = " )

call obj%Deallocate()
call dom%Deallocate()
call meshfile%close()
call meshfile%Deallocate()
call param%Deallocate()
end subroutine


subroutine test2
type( domain_ ) :: dom
type( VectorField_ ) :: obj
type( HDF5File_ ) :: meshfile
type( ParameterList_ ) :: param
integer( i4b ) :: ierr

call display( "Testing Initiate and Deallocate for normal data" )
CALL param%initiate()
ierr = param%set(key="name", value="U" )
ierr = param%set(key="fieldType", value=FIELD_TYPE_NORMAL)
ierr = param%set(key="spaceCompo", value=3)
call meshfile%initiate( filename="./mesh.h5", mode="READ" )
call meshfile%open()
call dom%initiate( meshfile )
call obj%initiate( param, dom )
call obj%display( "vector field = ")
call obj%Deallocate()
call dom%Deallocate()
call meshfile%close()
call meshfile%Deallocate()
call param%Deallocate()
end subroutine


subroutine test1
type( domain_ ) :: dom
type( VectorField_ ) :: obj
type( HDF5File_ ) :: meshfile
type( ParameterList_ ) :: param
integer( i4b ) :: ierr

call display( "Testing Initiate and Deallocate for constant data" )
CALL param%initiate()
ierr = param%set(key="name", value="U" )
ierr = param%set(key="fieldType", value=FIELD_TYPE_CONSTANT)
ierr = param%set(key="spaceCompo", value=3)
call meshfile%initiate( filename="./mesh.h5", mode="READ" )
call meshfile%open()
call dom%initiate( meshfile )

call obj%initiate( param, dom )
call obj%display( "vector field = ")
call obj%Deallocate()

call dom%Deallocate()
call meshfile%close()
call meshfile%Deallocate()
call param%Deallocate()
end subroutine


subroutine exportMesh
TYPE( MSH_ ) :: mshFile
CALL mshFile%initiate( file="./mesh.msh", NSD=2 )
CALL mshFile%ExportMesh( file="./mesh.h5" )
CALL mshFile%Deallocate()

end module test_m


program main
use test_m
implicit none
! call exportMesh
call test0
end program main