Discrete Ultraspherical transform.
Interface 1
- ܀ Interface
- ️܀ See example
- ↢
MODULE PURE FUNCTION UltrasphericalTransform1(n, lambda, coeff, x, w, &
& quadType) RESULT(ans)
!! order of jacobi polynomial
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: lambda
!! $\lambda > -0.5, \lambda \ne 0.0$
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: coeff(0:n)
!! nodal value (at quad points)
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: x(0:n)
!! quadrature points
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: w(0:n)
!! weights
INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: quadType
!! Quadrature type, Gauss, GaussLobatto, GaussRadau, GaussRadauLeft
!! GaussRadauRight
REAL(DFP) :: ans(0:n)
!! modal values or coefficients
END FUNCTION UltrasphericalTransform1
This example shows the usage of UltrasphericalTransform
This routine performs the forward Ultraspherical transform.
In this example (that is, proportional to Legendre polynomial)
program main
use easifembase
use easifemclasses
implicit none
integer( i4b ) :: n
real(dfp), allocatable :: uhat(:), u( : ), pt( : ), wt(:)
real( dfp ), parameter :: lambda=0.5_DFP, tol=1.0E-10
type(string) :: astr
integer( i4b ), parameter :: quadType = GaussLobatto
type(CSVFile_) :: afile
character( len=* ), parameter :: fname = "./results/test21"
type(PLPlot_) :: aplot
n = 10
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call UltrasphericalQuadrature( n=n+1, lambda=lambda, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = UltrasphericalEval(n=5_I4B, lambda=lambda, &
& x=pt)
uhat = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, coeff=u, &
& x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
uhat( 6 ) = uhat( 6 ) - 1.0_dFP
CALL ok( SOFTEQ( NORM2(uhat), 0.0_DFP, tol), "test" )
n = 10
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call UltrasphericalQuadrature( n=n+1, lambda=lambda, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt)
uhat = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, coeff=u, x=pt, &
& w=wt, quadType=quadType)
CALL afile%initiate(filename=fname // ".csv", &
& status="NEW", action="WRITE")
CALL afile%open()
CALL afile%write(val="n="//tostring(n))
CALL afile%write(val=uhat)
CALL afile%write()
CALL aplot%Initiate()
CALL aplot%Set( &
& device="svg", &
& filename=fname//"-%n.svg")
CALL aplot%figure()
CALL aplot%subplot(1,1,1)
pt = arange(0,n,1)
CALL aplot%setXYLim([-10.0_DFP, 50.0_DFP], [ -3.0_DFP, 3.0_DFP])
CALL aplot%setTicks()
CALL aplot%plot2D(x=pt,y=uhat, &
& pointType=PS_DOT, &
& pointSize=4.0_DFP, &
& pointColor="b", &
& lineWidth=0.0_DFP)
!CALL aplot%setLabels("","","")
!CALL aplot%Show()
n = 20
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call UltrasphericalQuadrature( n=n+1, lambda=lambda, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt)
uhat = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda,&
& coeff=u, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
CALL afile%write(val="n="//tostring(n))
CALL afile%write(val=uhat)
CALL afile%write()
pt = arange(0,n,1)
CALL aplot%plot2D(x=pt,y=uhat, &
& pointType=PS_DOT, &
& pointSize=4.0_DFP, &
& pointColor="r", &
& lineWidth=0.0_DFP)
!CALL aplot%setLabels("N","uhat","")
!CALL aplot%Show()
n = 30
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call UltrasphericalQuadrature( n=n+1, lambda=lambda, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt)
uhat = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, &
& coeff=u, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
CALL afile%write(val="n="//tostring(n))
CALL afile%write(val=uhat)
CALL afile%write()
pt = arange(0,n,1)
CALL aplot%plot2D(x=pt,y=uhat, &
& pointType=PS_DOT, &
& pointSize=10.0_DFP, &
& pointColor="k", &
& lineWidth=0.0_DFP)
CALL aplot%setLabels("N","uhat","")
CALL aplot%Show()
n = 40
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call UltrasphericalQuadrature( n=n+1, lambda=lambda, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt)
uhat = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, &
& coeff=u, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
CALL afile%write(val="n="//tostring(n))
CALL afile%write(val=uhat)
CALL afile%write()
CALL afile%deallocate()
end program main
Interface 2
- ܀ Interface
- ️܀ See example
- ↢
MODULE PURE FUNCTION UltrasphericalTransform2(n, lambda, coeff, x, w, &
& quadType) RESULT(ans)
!! order of polynomial
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: lambda
!! $\lambda > -0.5, \lambda \ne 0.0$
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: coeff(0:, 1:)
!! nodal value (at quad points)
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: x(0:n)
!! quadrature points
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: w(0:n)
!! weights
INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: quadType
!! Quadrature type, Gauss, GaussLobatto, GaussRadau, GaussRadauLeft
!! GaussRadauRight
REAL(DFP) :: ans(0:n, 1:SIZE(coeff, 2))
!! modal values or coefficients for each column of val
END FUNCTION UltrasphericalTransform2
- This example shows the usage of
method. - This routine performs the forward Ultraspherical transform of column data.
In this example (that is, proportional to Legendre polynomial)
program main
use easifembase
implicit none
integer( i4b ) :: n
real(dfp), allocatable :: uhat(:, :), u( :, : ), pt( : ), wt(:)
real( dfp ), parameter :: lambda=0.5_DFP, tol=1.0E-10
type(string) :: astr
integer( i4b ), parameter :: quadType = GaussLobatto
n = 10
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1 )
call UltrasphericalQuadrature( n=n+1, lambda=lambda, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
u = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt) .COLCONCAT. SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * pt)
uhat = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, coeff=u, &
& x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
CALL Display(MdEncode(uhat), "uhat=")
end program main
See results
-2.94751E-16 | -2.94751E-16 |
-0.24244 | -0.24244 |
-7.45173E-16 | -7.45173E-16 |
-0.46574 | -0.46574 |
1.71874E-15 | 1.71874E-15 |
-0.56276 | -0.56276 |
4.33325E-15 | 4.33325E-15 |
1.7997 | 1.7997 |
4.13122E-15 | 4.13122E-15 |
-0.52876 | -0.52876 |
-1.21279E-15 | -1.21279E-15 |
Interface 3
- ܀ Interface
- ️܀ See example
- ↢
MODULE FUNCTION UltrasphericalTransform3(n, lambda, f, quadType) &
& RESULT(ans)
!! order of jacobi polynomial
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: lambda
!! $\lambda > -0.5, \lambda \ne 0.0$
PROCEDURE(iface_1DFunction), POINTER, INTENT(IN) :: f
!! 1D space function
INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: quadType
!! Quadrature type, Gauss, GaussLobatto, GaussRadau, GaussRadauLeft
!! GaussRadauRight
REAL(DFP) :: ans(0:n)
!! modal values or coefficients
END FUNCTION UltrasphericalTransform3
This example shows the usage of UltrasphericalTransform
In this example (that is, proportional to Legendre polynomial)
program main
use easifembase
integer( i4b ) :: n, ii
real(dfp), allocatable :: uhat(:), u( : ), pt( : ), wt(:), fhat(:)
real( dfp ), parameter :: lambda=0.5_DFP, tol=1.0E-10
type(string) :: astr
integer( i4b ), parameter :: quadType = GaussLobatto
procedure(iface_1Dfunction), pointer :: f => NULL()
To make quadrature points we call UltrasphericalQuadrature
routine, and specify QuadType
n = 10
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1, u, n+1 )
call UltrasphericalQuadrature( n=n+1, lambda=lambda, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
f => func1
do ii = 1, size(u)
u(ii) = f(pt(ii))
end do
uhat = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, &
& coeff=u, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
fhat = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, &
& f=f, quadType=quadType)
call OK(ALL(SOFTEQ(fhat, uhat, tol)), "n=10")
pure function func1(x) result(ans)
real(dfp), intent(in) :: x
real(dfp) :: ans
ans = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * x)
end function func1
end program main