This routine returns the coefficients of gradient of Ultraspherical expansion.
Input is cofficients of Ultrasphericalpolynomials (modal values).
- ܀ Interface
- ️܀ See example
- ↢
MODULE PURE FUNCTION UltrasphericalGradientCoeff(n, lambda, coeff) &
& RESULT(ans)
!! order of Jacobi polynomial
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: lambda
!! $\lambda > -0.5, \lambda \ne 0.0$
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: coeff(0:n)
!! coefficients $\tilde{u}_{n}$ obtained from UltrasphericalTransform
REAL(DFP) :: ans(0:n)
!! coefficient of gradient
END FUNCTION UltrasphericalGradientCoeff
- This example shows the usage of
method. - This routine yields the coefficient of derivative (modal values) from the coefficient of Ultraspherical expansion (modal values).
In this example (that is, proportional to Legendre polynomial)
In this example we consider
program main
use easifembase
use easifemclasses
implicit none
integer( i4b ) :: n, ii
real(dfp), allocatable :: fhat(:), fval( : ), pt( : ), wt(:), f1hat(:), &
& f1hat2(:), f1val(:), error(:, :), x(:), y(:)
real( dfp ), parameter :: lambda=0.5_DFP, tol=1.0E-10
type(string) :: astr
integer( i4b ), parameter :: quadType = GaussLobatto
type(PLPlot_) :: aplot
character(len=*), parameter :: fname="./results/test25"
CALL aplot%Initiate()
CALL aplot%Set( &
& device="svg", &
& filename=fname//"-%n.svg")
CALL aplot%figure()
CALL aplot%subplot(1,1,1)
CALL aplot%setXYLim([-1.0_DFP, 1.0_DFP], [ -15.0_DFP, 15.0_DFP])
CALL aplot%setTicks()
x = linspace(-1.0_DFP, 1.0_DFP, 101_I4B)
n = 20
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1, fval, n+1 )
call UltrasphericalQuadrature( n=n+1, lambda=lambda, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
fval = func1(pt)
fhat = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, &
& coeff=fval, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
f1hat = UltrasphericalGradientCoeff(n=n, lambda=lambda, coeff=fhat)
!! nodal values of derivative of function
f1val = dfunc1(pt)
f1hat2 = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, &
& coeff=f1val, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
call display( MdEncode(f1hat .colconcat. f1hat2), "")
See results
8.30697E-13 | 8.29555E-13 |
-3.28493E-14 | 7.40033E-15 |
1.1937 | 1.1937 |
-7.88784E-14 | 2.73705E-14 |
6.6858 | 6.6858 |
-9.32074E-14 | 5.12541E-14 |
13.902 | 13.902 |
-1.64389E-13 | 7.28063E-14 |
3.2992 | 3.2992 |
-1.41327E-13 | 3.42122E-14 |
-27.543 | -27.543 |
-2.33903E-13 | 1.72282E-13 |
21.936 | 21.936 |
-1.70089E-13 | 1.78264E-13 |
-8.7995 | -8.7995 |
-2.53178E-14 | 5.00121E-14 |
2.2501 | 2.2509 |
6.31204E-14 | -1.04309E-13 |
-0.40301 | -0.41305 |
1.3359E-13 | 2.09728E-14 |
0 | 5.52691E-02 |
CALL aplot%plot2D( x=x,y=UltrasphericalInvTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, &
& x=x, coeff=f1hat), lineColor="k")
CALL aplot%plot2D( x=x,y=UltrasphericalInvTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, &
& x=x, coeff=f1hat2), lineColor="b")
CALL aplot%plot2D( x=x,y=dfunc1(x), pointType=PS_DOT, lineWidth=0.0_DFP )
CALL aplot%setLabels("x","du(x)","")
!CALL aplot%show()
!CALL aplot%deallocate()
error = zeros(30, 2, 1.0_DFP)
DO n = 1, SIZE(error,1)
call reallocate( pt, n+1, wt, n+1, fval, n+1 )
call UltrasphericalQuadrature( n=n+1, lambda=lambda, &
& pt=pt, wt=wt, quadType=quadType )
fval = func1(pt)
fhat = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, &
& coeff=fval, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
f1hat = UltrasphericalGradientCoeff(n=n, lambda=lambda, coeff=fhat)
!! nodal values of derivative of function
f1val = dfunc1(pt)
f1hat2 = UltrasphericalTransform(n=n, lambda=lambda, &
& coeff=f1val, x=pt, w=wt, quadType=quadType)
error(n,1) = n
error(n,2) = NORM2( ABS(f1hat-f1hat2) )
CALL display( MdEncode(error), "error=")
See results
order(n) | MAX(err) |
2 | 12.566 |
4 | 16.409 |
6 | 22.967 |
8 | 39.855 |
10 | 41.617 |
15 | 4.1017 |
20 | 5.61773E-02 |
25 | 6.91711E-05 |
30 | 1.13582E-07 |
elemental function func1(x) result(ans)
real(dfp), intent(in) :: x
real(dfp) :: ans
ans = SIN(4.0_DFP * pi * x)
end function func1
elemental function dfunc1(x) result(ans)
real(dfp), intent(in) :: x
real(dfp) :: ans
ans = 4.0_DFP * pi * COS(4.0_DFP * pi * x)
end function dfunc1
end program main