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Intvector example 2

Modules and classes

  • [[IntVector_]]


!!! note "" Initiate an instance of [[IntVector_]] by specifying size.

USE easifemBase
TYPE(IntVector_), ALLOCATABLE :: obj( : )
TYPE(IntVector_) :: obj1
INTEGER( I4B ) :: tsize( 4 )

!!! note "" Let us first ALLOCATE the scalar instance of [[IntVector_]] obj1. We will set its size to 10. The lower bound is 1 and upper bound is 10.

CALL Initiate(obj=obj1, tSize=10)
CALL display(obj1, "obj1=")

!!! note "" Let us now initiate the instance of [[IntVector_]] by specifying the upper and lower bounds.

CALL Initiate(obj1, 11, 20)
CALL display(obj1, "obj1=")

!!! message "" In the above CALL the lowerbound is 11 and upperbound is 20.

!!! note "" We can also initiate an instance of [[IntVector_]] by the vector of INTEGER.

CALL Initiate(obj1, [2, 3])
CALL display(obj1, "obj1=")

!!! note "" ASSIGNMENT OPERATOR can be used instead of calling above initiate method.

CALL display(obj1, "obj1=")

!!! note "" The CALL given below will ALLOCATE the vector obj(:) WITH 4 elements. The sizes of obj(1:4) are given in tsize(1:4).

tsize = [5,5,10,10]
CALL Initiate(obj=obj, tSize=tsize)

!!! note "" Display the contents.

CALL display( obj, msg = "test2")

!!! settings "" Cleanup