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Returns the vertex basis.

Interface 1

INTERFACE VertexBasis_Hexahedron
MODULE PURE FUNCTION VertexBasis_Hexahedron1(x, y, z) &
& RESULT(ans)
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: x(:), y(:), z(:)
!! point of evaluation
REAL(DFP) :: ans(SIZE(x), 8)
!! ans(:,v1) basis function of vertex v1 at all points
END FUNCTION VertexBasis_Hexahedron1
END INTERFACE VertexBasis_Hexahedron

x coordinate of all points.


y coordinate of all points.


z coordinate of all points.

Interface 2

INTERFACE VertexBasis_Hexahedron
MODULE PURE FUNCTION VertexBasis_Hexahedron3(xij) &
& RESULT(ans)
REAL(DFP), INTENT(IN) :: xij(:, :)
!! point of evaluation
REAL(DFP) :: ans(SIZE(xij, 2), 8)
!! ans(:,v1) basis function of vertex v1 at all points
END FUNCTION VertexBasis_Hexahedron3
END INTERFACE VertexBasis_Hexahedron