MassMatrix example 3
!!! note ""
This example shows how to USE the SUBROUTINE called ConvectiveMatrix
to create a convective matrix in space domain. We will use mixed finite element here. Line2 and Line3 elements are used.
Here, we want to do the following.
!!! warning "" is convective velocity, which can be a constant, or a function of spatial coordinates, or some nonlinear function.
In this example, convective matrix is formed for
- [[ReferenceLine_]] element
- [[QuadraturePoint_]]
- velocity is given by nodal values
- test function are defined on Line2
- trial functions are defined on Line3
Modules and classesβ
USE easifemBase
TYPE(Elemshapedata_) :: test, elemsdForsimplex, trial
TYPE(Quadraturepoint_) :: quad
TYPE(FEVariable_) :: cvar
REAL(DFP), PARAMETER :: c(1,2) = RESHAPE([1.0,1.0],[1,2])
TYPE(Referenceline_) :: simplexElem, refElemFortest, refElemFortrial
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: mat(:, :), XiJ(:, :)
INTEGER( I4B ), PARAMETER :: orderFortest = 1, orderForTrial = 2
!!! note "" Let us now create the physical coordinate of the line element.
XiJ = RESHAPE([-1, 1], [1, 2])
!!! note "" Now we create an instance of [[ReferenceLine_]].
simplexElem = referenceline(nsd=1)
CALL simplexElem%LagrangeElement(order=orderForTest, highOrderObj=refElemForTest)
CALL simplexElem%LagrangeElement(order=orderForTrial, highOrderObj=refElemForTrial)
!!! note "" Here, we create the quadrature points.
CALL initiate( obj=quad, refelem=simplexElem, order=orderForTest+orderForTrial-1, &
& quadratureType='GaussLegendre' )
!!! note "" Initiate an instance of [[ElemshapeData_]]. You can learn more about it from [[ElemshapeData_test]].
CALL initiate(obj=elemsdForsimplex, &
& quad=quad, &
& refelem=simplexElem, &
& ContinuityType=typeH1, &
& InterpolType=typeLagrangeInterpolation)
!!! note "" Initiate an instance of [[ElemeshapeData_]] for test function.
CALL initiate(obj=test, &
& quad=quad, &
& refelem=refElemForTest, &
& ContinuityType=typeH1, &
& InterpolType=typeLagrangeInterpolation)
CALL Set(obj=test, val=xij, N=elemsdForSimplex%N, &
& dNdXi=elemsdForSimplex%dNdXi)
!!! note "" Initiate an instance of [[ElemeshapeData_]] for trial function.
CALL initiate(obj=trial, &
& quad=quad, &
& refelem=refElemForTrial, &
& ContinuityType=typeH1, &
& InterpolType=typeLagrangeInterpolation)
CALL Set(obj=trial, val=xij, N=elemsdForSimplex%N, &
& dNdXi=elemsdForSimplex%dNdXi)
!!! note "" Let us now create an instance of [[FEVariable_]] to wrape the nodal values of . You can learn more about this at [[FEVariable_test]]
cvar = NodalVariable(c, typeFEVariableVector, typeFEVariableSpace)
!!! note "" Let us now create the convective matrix.
mat=ConvectiveMatrix(test=test, trial=trial, c=cvar, term1=1, term2=0)
CALL Display(mat, "mat:")
!!! warning ""
In this case the number of nodes in cvar
should be equal to the
number of nodes used in the refelemForTest
??? example "Results"
-0.166667 -0.166667 -0.666667
0.166667 0.166667 0.666667
!!! settings "Cleanup"