ConvectiveMatrix example 4
!!! note ""
This example shows how to USE the SUBROUTINE called ConvectiveMatrix
to create a convective matrix in space domain of Line3 element, that is order 2 [[ReferenceLine_]].
Here, we want to do the following.
!!! warning "" is convective velocity, which can be a constant, or a function of spatial coordinates, or some nonlinear function.
In this example, convective matrix is formed for
- [[ReferenceLine_]] element
- [[QuadraturePoint_]]
- velocity is given by nodal values
Modules and classesβ
USE easifemBase
TYPE(Elemshapedata_) :: test, elemsdForsimplex
TYPE(Quadraturepoint_) :: quad
TYPE(FEVariable_) :: cvar
REAL(DFP), PARAMETER :: c(1,3) = RESHAPE([1.0,1.0,1.0],[1,3])
TYPE(Referenceline_) :: simplexElem, refElem
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: mat(:, :), XiJ(:, :)
INTEGER( I4B ), PARAMETER :: order = 2
!!! note "" Let us now create the physical coordinate of the line element.
XiJ = RESHAPE([-1, 1], [1, 2])
!!! note "" Now we create an instance of [[ReferenceLine_]].
simplexElem = referenceline(nsd=1)
CALL simplexElem%LagrangeElement(order=order, highOrderObj=refelem)
!!! note "" Here, we create the quadrature points.
CALL initiate( obj=quad, refelem=simplexElem, order=2*order-1, &
& quadratureType='GaussLegendre' )
!!! note "" Initiate an instance of [[ElemshapeData_]]. You can learn more about it from [[ElemshapeData_test]].
CALL initiate(obj=elemsdForsimplex, &
& quad=quad, &
& refelem=simplexElem, &
& ContinuityType=typeH1, &
& InterpolType=typeLagrangeInterpolation)
!!! note "" Initiate an instance of [[ElemeshapeData_]].
CALL initiate(obj=test, &
& quad=quad, &
& refelem=refElem, &
& ContinuityType=typeH1, &
& InterpolType=typeLagrangeInterpolation)
CALL Set(obj=test, val=xij, N=elemsdForSimplex%N, &
& dNdXi=elemsdForSimplex%dNdXi)
!!! note "" Let us now create an instance of [[FEVariable_]] to wrape the nodal values of . You can learn more about this at [[FEVariable_test]]
cvar = NodalVariable(c, typeFEVariableVector, typeFEVariableSpace)
!!! note "" Let us now create the convective matrix.
mat=ConvectiveMatrix(test=test, trial=test, term1=1, term2=0, c=cvar)
CALL Display(mat, "mat:")
??? example "Results"
-0.500000 0.166667 -0.666667
-0.166667 0.500000 0.666667
0.666667 -0.666667 0.000000
!!! settings "Cleanup"