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CSVFile example 2

In this example we create an instance of [[CSVFile_]], then we open it and read it. And use get subroutine.

Modules and classes

  • [[CSVFile_]]
  • [[String]]


Importing modules and defining variables

use easifemBase
use easifemClasses
type(csvfile_) :: obj
type(string) :: aline
type(string), allocatable :: strvec( : )
integer(i4b) :: ii, intval
type( intvector_ ) :: intvec
type( realvector_ ) :: realvec
real(dfp) :: realval
character(len=*), parameter :: filename="./example/test1.txt"
integer( i4b ), allocatable :: datatypes( : )

Initiate an instance of [[CSVFile_]], and then Open the [[CSVFile_]] file

  call obj%Initiate(filename=filename, status='OLD', action='READ')
call obj%setHeaderIndx(1_I4B)
call obj%Open()
call obj%Read()

Get a single value.

  call obj%get( irow=1, icol=1, val=intval)
call display( intval, "intval = " )

Get the entire column in [[IntVector_]]

  call obj%get( icol=1, val=intvec)
call display( intvec, "intvec = " )

Get the entire column in integer vector

  call deallocate( intvec )
call obj%get( icol=1, val=intvec%val)
call display( intvec%val, "intvec%val = " )

Get the entire column in [[RealVector_]]

  call obj%get( icol=1, val=realvec)
call display( realvec, "realvec = " )

Get the entire column in real vector

  call deallocate( realvec )
call obj%get( icol=1, val=realvec%val)
call display( realvec%val, "realvec%val = " )

Get the entire column in string vector

  call obj%get( icol=1, val=strvec)
do ii = 1, size(strvec); call display( strvec(ii), "strvec(ii) = " ); end do

Cleaning up.

CALL obj%Deallocate()