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VTKPlot example 6

This example shows how to use plot function from [[VTKPlot_]] class. We plot a 3D cartesian grid. The cartesian grid is given by the mesh grid.

Use association

  • [[VTKPlot_]]


USE easifemBase
USE easifemClasses
TYPE( VTKPlot_ ) :: obj
REAL( DFP ), ALLOCATABLE :: x( :, :, : ), y( :, :, : ), z( :, :, : )

!!! note "" Plotting a two dimensional structured grid.

  CALL MeshGrid( x=x, y = y, z = z, &
& xgv=linspace( 0.0_DFP, 1.0_DFP, 100), &
& ygv=linspace( 0.0_DFP, 1.0_DFP, 100), &
& zgv=[1.0_DFP] &
& )

!!! note "" Now we replace z by f(x,y). In this way we get a 3D surface representing f(x,y).

  z = x*(x-1) + y*(y-1)
  CALL obj%initiate( )
CALL obj%plot( x, y, z, "./test_6.vts")
CALL obj%deallocate()
end program