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StaticDiffusion example 11

!!! note "" This example shows the use of AssembleTanmat AssembleRHS and Assemble method.

Mesh used in this example is given below.

Use association

  • [[HDF5File_]]
  • [[MSHFile_]]
  • [[ParameterList_]]
  • [[Domain_]]
  • [[MeshSelection_]]



USE easifemBase
USE easifemClasses
USE easifemMaterials
USE easifemKernels
USE StaticDiffusion_Class
TYPE(StaticDiffusion_) :: obj
TYPE(ParameterList_) :: param
TYPE(Domain_) :: dom
CHARACTER( LEN = * ), PARAMETER :: domainFileName="./mesh.h5"
& outfileName="./StaticDiffusionExport.h5"
TYPE( HDF5File_ ) :: domainFile
TYPE( HDF5File_ ) :: outfile
TYPE( MeshSelection_ ) :: region
INTEGER(I4B), PARAMETER :: tMaterials = 2, tDirichletBC=2, &
& solverName = LIS_CG, preconditionOption=LEFT_PRECONDITION, &
& convergenceIn = convergenceInRes, &
& convergenceType=relativeConvergence, &
& maxIter = 100, &
& KrylovSubspaceSize=20
CLASS( DirichletBC_ ), POINTER :: dbc

!!! note "" Initiate an instance of [[ParameterList_]]

    CALL FPL_INIT(); CALL param%Initiate()

!!! note "" Set the parameter for [[StaticDiffusion_]]

    CALL SetStaticDiffusionParam( param=param, engine="NATIVE_SERIAL", &
& coordinateSystem=KERNEL_2D, tMaterials=tMaterials, &
& tDirichletBC=tDirichletBC, domainFile=domainFileName, &
& baseContinuity="H1", &
& baseInterpolation="LagrangeInterpolation", &
& quadratureType="GaussLegendre" )

!!! note "" Set the parameter for [[LinSolver_]].

    CALL SetLinSolverParam( &
& param=param, &
& solverName=solverName,&
& preconditionOption=preconditionOption, &
& convergenceIn=convergenceIn, &
& convergenceType=convergenceType, &
& maxIter=maxIter, &
& relativeToRHS=.TRUE., &
& KrylovSubspaceSize=KrylovSubspaceSize, &
& rtol=1.0D-10, &
& atol=1.0D-10 )

!!! note "" Initiates computation domain.

    CALL domainFile%Initiate(filename=domainFileName, mode="READ")
CALL domainFile%Open()
CALL dom%Initiate( domainFile, '' )
CALL domainFile%Deallocate()

!!! note "" Initiate an instace of [[StaticDiffusion_]] kernel

    CALL obj%Initiate( param=param, dom=dom )

!!! note "addMaterial 1" Add another material and domain region in the [[StaticDiffusion_]] kernel.

    CALL region%Initiate( isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE. )
CALL region%Add( dim=2, meshID=[1] )
CALL SetSolidMaterialParam( param=param, name="SolidMaterial", &
& massDensity=1.0_DFP, diffusivity=1.0_DFP )
CALL obj%AddMaterial( materialNo=1, materialName="SolidMaterial", &
& param=param, region=region )
CALL region%Deallocate()

!!! note "addMaterial 2" Add another material and domain region in the [[StaticDiffusion_]] kernel.

    CALL region%Initiate( isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE. )
CALL region%Add( dim=2, meshID=[2] )
CALL SetSolidMaterialParam( param=param, name="SolidMaterial", &
& massDensity=1.0_DFP, diffusivity=1.0_DFP )
CALL obj%AddMaterial( materialNo=2, materialName="SolidMaterial", &
& param=param, region=region )
CALL region%Deallocate()

!!! note "SetDirichletBC 1" Now we set the Dirichlet boundary condition. First we select the mesh boundary, then we prescribe the boundary condition.

    CALL SetDirichletBCParam(param=param, name="ZeroDBC", idof=1, &
& nodalValueType=Constant, useFunction=.FALSE. )
CALL region%Initiate( isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add( dim=1, meshID=[3] )
CALL obj%AddDirichletBC( dbcNo=1, boundary=region, param=param )
CALL region%Deallocate()
dbc => obj%GetDirichletBCPointer( dbcNo=1 )
CALL dbc%Set( ConstantNodalValue=0.0_DFP ); dbc=>NULL()

!!! note "SetDirichletBC 2" Let us repeat the procedure mentioned above to prescribe another boundary condition.

    CALL SetDirichletBCParam(param=param, name="NonZeroDBC", idof=1, &
& nodalValueType=Constant, useFunction=.FALSE. )
CALL region%Initiate( isSelectionByMeshID=.TRUE.)
CALL region%Add( dim=1, meshID=[6] )
CALL obj%AddDirichletBC( dbcNo=2, boundary=region, param=param )
CALL region%Deallocate()
dbc => obj%GetDirichletBCPointer( dbcNo=2 )
CALL dbc%Set( ConstantNodalValue=1.0_DFP ); dbc=>NULL()

!!! note "Set" Now that we are done setting the kernels properties, we will call Set method.

    CALL obj%set()

!!! note "AssembleTanmat" Let us assemble the tangent matrix.

   CALL obj%AssembleTanMat()
CALL obj%AssembleRHS()
CALL obj%Assemble()

!!! note "Export" Now we export the kernel in [[HDF5File_]] file

    CALL outfile%Initiate(outfileName, "NEW")
CALL outfile%Open()
CALL obj%Export(outfile, "")
CALL outfile%Deallocate()

!!! settings "Cleanup"

    CALL obj%Deallocate( )
CALL dom%Deallocate()
CALL param%Deallocate()