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! This tutorial shows how to solve linear equation
! test01
! How to solve A(:,:) x(:) = b(:) using GESV or solve
! test02
! Solve A(:,:) x(:,:) = b(:,:) using GESV or solve
! test03
! Solve a least square problem, A(m,n)*x(n) = b(m), m>n
! test04
! Solve a least square problem, A(m,n)*x(n) = b(m), m<n
! test05
! Solve a least square problem, A(m,n)*x(n,:) = b(m,:), m>n
! test06
! Solves a least square problem using DGELSD which uses SVD decomposition
! test07
! Solves a least square problem using DGELSS which uses SVD decomposition


module test
use baseType
use baseMethod
implicit none

! test01

subroutine test01()
integer( i4b ), parameter :: n = 4
real( dfp ) :: mat( n, n ), b( n ), x( n ), x0(n)
write( *, * ) "hello world..."

CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
call DISPLAY( "TEST-01" )
CALL EqualLine( )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( mat )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( x ); x0 = x
call DISPLAY( x, msg=" Exact solutions are :: ")
b = MATMUL( mat, x )
x = 0.0_dfp
x = Solve( mat, b )
call DISPLAY( val = x, msg= " Solution from solve = " )

if( NORM2( x - x0 ) .le. 1.0E-9 ) then
call display( "TEST-01: SUCCESS" )
call display( "TEST-01: FAILED" )
end if

CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
end subroutine test01

! test02

subroutine test02()
integer( i4b ), parameter :: n = 4, m=3
real( dfp ) :: mat( n, n ), b( n, m ), x( n, m), x0( n, m )

CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
call DISPLAY( "TEST-02" )
CALL EqualLine( )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( mat )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( x ); x0 = x
call DISPLAY( x, msg=" Exact solutions are :: ")
b = MATMUL( mat, x )
x = 0.0_dfp
x = Solve( mat, b )
call DISPLAY( val = x, msg= " Solution from solve = " )

if( NORM2( x - x0 ) .le. 1.0E-9 ) then
call display( "TEST-02: SUCCESS" )
call display( "TEST-02: FAILED" )
end if
CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
end subroutine test02

! test03

subroutine test03()
integer( i4b ), parameter :: m = 5, n = 3
real( dfp ) :: mat( m, n ), b( m ), x( n ), x0(n)

CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
call DISPLAY( "TEST-03" )
CALL EqualLine( )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( mat )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( x ); x0 = x
call DISPLAY( x, msg=" Exact solutions are :: ")
b = MATMUL( mat, x )
x = 0.0_dfp
CALL GELS( A=mat, b=b, x = x )
call DISPLAY( val = x, msg= " Solution from solve = " )

if( NORM2( x - x0 ) .le. 1.0E-9 ) then
call display( "TEST-03: SUCCESS" )
call display( "TEST-03: FAILED" )
end if
CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
end subroutine test03

! test04

subroutine test04
integer( i4b ), parameter :: m = 3, n = 5
real( dfp ) :: mat( m, n ), b( m ), x( n ), x0(n)

CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
call DISPLAY( "TEST-04" )
CALL EqualLine( )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( mat )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( x ); x0 = x
call DISPLAY( x, msg=" Exact solutions are :: ")
b = MATMUL( mat, x )
x = 0.0_dfp
CALL GELS( A=mat, b=b, x = x )
call DISPLAY( val = x, msg= " Solution from solve = " )

if( NORM2( x - x0 ) .le. 1.0E-9 ) then
call display( "TEST-04: SUCCESS" )
call display( "TEST-04: FAILED" )
end if
CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
end subroutine test04

! test05

subroutine test05
integer( i4b ), parameter :: m = 5, n = 3, nrhs=3
real( dfp ) :: mat( m, n ), b( m, nrhs ), x( n, nrhs ), x0(n, nrhs)

CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
call DISPLAY( "TEST-05" )
CALL EqualLine( )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( mat )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( x ); x0 = x
call DISPLAY( x, msg=" Exact solutions are :: ")
b = MATMUL( mat, x )
x = 0.0_dfp
CALL GELS( A=mat, b=b, x = x )
call DISPLAY( val = x, msg= " Solution from solve = " )

if( NORM2( x - x0 ) .le. 1.0E-9 ) then
call display( "TEST-05: SUCCESS" )
call display( "TEST-05: FAILED" )
end if
CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
end subroutine test05

! test06

subroutine test06()
integer( i4b ), parameter :: m = 5, n = 3
real( dfp ) :: mat( m, n ), b( m ), x( n ), x0(n)

CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
call DISPLAY( "TEST-06" )
CALL EqualLine( )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( mat )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( x ); x0 = x
call DISPLAY( x, msg=" Exact solutions are :: ")
b = MATMUL( mat, x )
x = 0.0_dfp
CALL GELSD( A=mat, b=b, x = x )
call DISPLAY( val = x, msg= " Solution from solve = " )

if( NORM2( x - x0 ) .le. 1.0E-9 ) then
call display( "TEST-06: SUCCESS" )
call display( "TEST-06: FAILED" )
end if
CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
end subroutine test06

! test07

subroutine test07()
integer( i4b ), parameter :: m = 5, n = 3
real( dfp ) :: mat( m, n ), b( m ), x( n ), x0(n)

CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
call DISPLAY( "TEST-07" )
CALL EqualLine( )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( mat )
call RANDOM_NUMBER( x ); x0 = x
call DISPLAY( x, msg=" Exact solutions are :: ")
b = MATMUL( mat, x )
x = 0.0_dfp
CALL GELSS( A=mat, b=b, x = x )
call DISPLAY( val = x, msg= " Solution from solve = " )

if( NORM2( x - x0 ) .le. 1.0E-9 ) then
call display( "TEST-07: SUCCESS" )
call display( "TEST-07: FAILED" )
end if
CALL Blanklines( NOL = 2 )
end subroutine test07

end module test


program main
use test
call test01
call test02
call test03
call test04
call test05
call test06
call test07

end program main