Polynomial2D example 3
This example shows the usage of [[Polynomial2D_]] class.
Modules and classes
- [[Polynomial2D_]]
use easifemBase
use easifemClasses
implicit none
type(Polynomial2D_) :: f1, f2
real(dfp), allocatable :: coeff( : )
integer(i4b), allocatable :: degree( :, : )
real(dfp) :: exact, ans, x, y
real(dfp) :: tol=1.0E-10
!!! note "Initiate" Initiate the object.
coeff = [1,1,1,1]
call reallocate( degree, 4, 2 )
degree(:,1) = [0,1,0,1]
degree(:,2) = [0,0,1,1]
call f1%initiate( coeff, degree, "x", "y" )
call f1%display( 'f(x,y)=' )
!!! note "Eval"
x = 1.0; y=1.0
ans = f1%Eval( x, y )
exact = 1+x+y+x*y
CALL ISABS( ans, exact, tol )
x = 1.0; y=0.0
ans = f1%Eval( x, y )
exact = 1+x+y+x*y
CALL ISABS( ans, exact, tol)
!!! note "EvalGradient" Getting the value .
x=1.0; y=1.0
ans = f1%EvalGradient( x, y, dim=1_I4B )
exact = 1+y
CALL ISABS( ans, exact, tol)
!!! note "EvalGradient" Getting the value .
x=1.0; y=0.0
ans = f1%EvalGradient( x, y, dim=2_I4B )
exact = 1+x
CALL ISABS( ans, exact, tol)