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SUBROUTINE fltk_Initiate(obj) CLASS(GmshFLTK_), INTENT(INOUT) :: obj END SUBROUTINE fltk_Initiate


! Create the FLTK graphical user interface. Can only be called in the main ! * thread.

FUNCTION fltk_Initialize() RESULT(ans) INTEGER(I4B) :: ans CALL gmshFltkInitialize(ierr); ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION fltk_Initialize


! Wait at most time seconds for user interface events and return. If time ! < 0, wait indefinitely. First automatically create the user interface if it ! has not yet been initialized. Can only be called in the main thread.

FUNCTION fltk_Wait(time) RESULT(ans) CLASS(*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: time INTEGER(I4B) :: ans !! CALL gmshFltkWait( & & time=gmsh_opt_cdouble(option=time, default=-1.0_DFP), & & ierr=ierr) ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION fltk_Wait


! Update the user interface (potentially creating new widgets and windows). ! First automatically create the user interface if it has not yet been ! initialized. Can only be called in the main thread: use `awake("update")' ! to trigger an update of the user interface from another thread. */

FUNCTION fltk_Update() RESULT(ans) INTEGER(I4B) :: ans CALL gmshFltkUpdate(ierr) ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION fltk_Update


! Awake the main user interface thread and process pending events, and ! optionally perform an action (currently the only `action' allowed is ! "update").

FUNCTION fltk_Awake(action) RESULT(ans) INTEGER(I4B) :: ans CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: action !internal CHARACTER(LEN=maxStrLen), TARGET :: action_ !! action_ = gmsh_CString(input(option=action, default="")) !! CALL gmshFltkAwake( & & action=action_, ierr=ierr) !! ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION fltk_Awake


! Block the current thread until it can safely modify the user interface.

FUNCTION Fltk_Lock() RESULT(ans) INTEGER(I4B) :: ans CALL gmshFltkUnlock(ierr) ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION Fltk_Lock


! Release the lock that was set using lock. */

FUNCTION Fltk_Unlock() RESULT(ans) INTEGER(I4B) :: ans CALL gmshFltkUnlock(ierr) ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION Fltk_Unlock


! Run the event loop of the graphical user interface, i.e. repeatedly call ! `wait()'. First automatically create the user interface if it has not yet ! been initialized. Can only be called in the main thread. */

FUNCTION Fltk_Run() RESULT(ans) INTEGER(I4B) :: ans CALL gmshFltkRun(ierr) ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION Fltk_Run

! Check if the user interface is available (e.g. to detect if it has been ! closed).

FUNCTION Fltk_IsAvailable() RESULT(ans) LOGICAL(LGT) :: ans !> main cintvar = gmshFltkIsAvailable(ierr) IF (cintvar .EQ. 1_c_int) THEN ans = .TRUE. ELSE ans = .FALSE. END IF END FUNCTION Fltk_IsAvailable

! Select entities in the user interface. If dim' is >= 0, return only the ! entities of the specified dimension (e.g. points ifdim' == 0).

FUNCTION Fltk_SelectEntities(dim) & RESULT(dimTags) INTEGER(I4B), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: dim INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: dimTags(:, :) ! ! internal ! TYPE(C_PTR) :: cptr INTEGER(C_SIZE_T) :: dimTags_n ! cintvar = gmshFltkSelectEntities( & & dimTags=cptr, & & dimTags_n=dimTags_n, & & dim=dim, & & ierr=ierr) ! dimTags = gmsh_dimtag_c2f(cptr, dimTags_n) END FUNCTION Fltk_SelectEntities

! Select elements in the user interface. */

FUNCTION Fltk_SelectElements() & & RESULT(elementTags) INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: elementTags(:) ! ! internal ! TYPE(C_PTR) :: cptr INTEGER(C_SIZE_T) :: elementTags_n ! cintvar = gmshFltkSelectElements( & & elementTags=cptr, & & elementTags_n=elementTags_n, & & ierr=ierr) ! elementTags = gmsh_intvec_c2f(cptr, elementTags_n) ! END FUNCTION Fltk_SelectElements

! Select views in the user interface.

FUNCTION Fltk_SelectViews() & & RESULT(viewTags) INTEGER(I4B), ALLOCATABLE :: viewTags(:) ! internal TYPE(C_PTR) :: cptr INTEGER(C_SIZE_T) :: viewTags_n ! cintvar = gmshFltkSelectViews( & & viewTags=cptr, & & viewTags_n=viewTags_n, & & ierr=ierr) ! viewTags = gmsh_intvec_c2f(cptr, viewTags_n) ! END FUNCTION Fltk_SelectViews

! Split the current window horizontally (if how' = "h") or vertically (if !how' = "v"), using ratio ratio'. Ifhow' = "u", restore a single window.

FUNCTION Fltk_SplitCurrentWindow(how, ratio) & & RESULT(ans) CHARACTER(LEN=), INTENT(IN) :: how CLASS(), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: ratio INTEGER(I4B) :: ans ! ! internal values ! CHARACTER(LEN=maxStrLen), TARGET :: how_ ! how_ = gmsh_CString(how) ! CALL gmshFltkSplitCurrentWindow( & & how=how_, & & ratio=gmsh_opt_cdouble(option=ratio, default=0.5_DFP), & & ierr=ierr) ! ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION Fltk_SplitCurrentWindow

! Set the current window by speficying its index (starting at 0) in the list ! of all windows. When new windows are created by splits, new windows are ! appended at the end of the list.

FUNCTION Fltk_SetCurrentWindow(windowIndex) & & RESULT(ans) INTEGER(I4B), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: windowIndex INTEGER(I4B) :: ans !! CALL gmshFltkSetCurrentWindow( & & windowIndex=gmsh_opt_cint(option=windowIndex, default=0_I4B), & & ierr=ierr) !! ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION Fltk_SetCurrentWindow

! Set a status message in the current window. If `graphics' is set, display ! the message inside the graphic window instead of the status bar.

FUNCTION Fltk_SetStatusMessage(message, graphics) & & RESULT(ans) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: message LOGICAL(LGT), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: graphics INTEGER(I4B) :: ans ! internal CHARACTER(LEN=maxStrLen), TARGET :: message_ !! message_ = gmsh_CString(message) !! CALL gmshFltkSetStatusMessage( & & message=message_, & & graphics=optval_c_bool(.FALSE., graphics), & & ierr=ierr) !! ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION Fltk_SetStatusMessage

! Show context window for the entity of dimension dim' and tagtag'.

FUNCTION Fltk_ShowContextWindow(dim, tag) & & RESULT(ans) INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: dim, tag INTEGER(I4B) :: ans ! internal CALL gmshFltkShowContextWindow( & & dim=gmsh_cint(dim), & & tag=gmsh_cint(tag), & & ierr=ierr) ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION Fltk_ShowContextWindow

! Open the `name' item in the menu tree. / ! ! GMSH_API void gmshFltkOpenTreeItem(const charname, ! int *ierr);

FUNCTION Fltk_OpenTreeItem(name) & & RESULT(ans) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name INTEGER(I4B) :: ans ! internal CHARACTER(LEN=maxStrLen) :: name_ ! name_ = gmsh_CString(name) ! CALL gmshFltkOpenTreeItem( & & name=name_, ierr=ierr) ! ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION Fltk_OpenTreeItem

! Close the `name' item in the menu tree. / ! ! GMSH_API void gmshFltkCloseTreeItem(const charname, ! int *ierr);

FUNCTION Fltk_CloseTreeItem(name) & & RESULT(ans) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name INTEGER(I4B) :: ans ! internal CHARACTER(LEN=maxStrLen) :: name_ ! name_ = gmsh_CString(name) ! CALL gmshFltkCloseTreeItem(name=name_, ierr=ierr) ! ans = int(ierr, i4b) END FUNCTION Fltk_CloseTreeItem