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FortranFile_ is an extension of AbstractFile_. It provides a simplified interface to the native Fortran file capabilities and includes error checking.

Note that FortranFile_ does not provide any method to write and read data from the file.

This is because the data may be written in ASCII or Binary format. For this reason FortranFile_ is extended to following file formats.

TYPE, EXTENDS(AbstractFile_) :: FortranFile_
LOGICAL(LGT) :: initstat = .FALSE.
!! file initiated or not
INTEGER(I4B) :: unitno = -1
!! unit number
INTEGER(I4B) :: reclval = -1
!! record length for direct access
LOGICAL(LGT) :: formatstat = .FALSE.
!! file is formatted or not
LOGICAL(LGT) :: accessstat = .FALSE.
!! direct or sequential access
LOGICAL(LGT) :: newstat = .FALSE.
!! the new status of a file
LOGICAL(LGT) :: overwrite = .FALSE.
!! replace or not
LOGICAL(LGT) :: padstat = .FALSE.
!! Whether or not the file is being padded
LOGICAL(LGT) :: getNewUnit = .FALSE.
CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: posopt = 'ASIS '
CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: comment = hash
CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: separator = comma
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: delimiter = "\n"