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AbstractBC_ is Abstract class for handling boundary conditions in finite element methods.

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LOGICAL(LGT) :: isInitiated = .FALSE.
!! It is true if the object is initiated
TYPE(String) :: name
!! name of boundary condition
INTEGER(I4B) :: idof = default_idof
!! degree of freedom number
INTEGER(I4B) :: nodalValueType = default_nodalValueType
!! Constant, Space, SpaceTime, Time
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isNormal = default_isNormal
!! True if the boundary condition is normal to the boundary
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isTangent = default_isTangent
!! True if the boundary condition is tangent to the boundary
LOGICAL(LGT) :: useExternal = default_useExternal
!! if true then nodal values are used externally
!! depending upon the context.
!! Basically we do not use the nodal value stored in the
!! instance of AbstractBC_
LOGICAL(LGT) :: isUserFunction = default_isUserFunction
!! True if userFunction is set
REAL(DFP), ALLOCATABLE :: nodalValue(:, :)
!! nodal values are kept here,
!! nodalValues( :, its ) denotes nodal values at time step its
CLASS(UserFunction_), POINTER :: func => NULL()
!! User function
TYPE(MeshSelection_) :: boundary
!! Boundary
CLASS(Domain_), POINTER :: dom => NULL()
!! Domain