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External packages

EASIFEM depends upon the following external packages (extpkgs) that are not shipped with the source-code.

OpenBlasHighly optimized BLASeasifem install openblas
SuperLUDirect solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equationseasifem install superlu
LISLinear interative solvereasifem install lis
METISMesh partitioning libraryeasifem install metis
SCOTCHMesh partitioning libraryeasifem install scotch
ARPACKEigensolver for sparse matriceseasifem install arpack
FFTWFast Fourier Transformeasifem install fftw
GTK-FortranFortran bindings for GTK-4 libraryeasifem install gtk-fortran
LAPACK95Fortran 95 interface for Lapack libraryeasifem install lapack95
SparsekitFortran library for sparse matriceseasifem install sparsekit
GmshFinite element mesh generatoreasifem install gmsh
Toml-fA TOML parser implementation for data serialization and deserialization in Fortraneasifem install toml-f

More information about the external packages used in the EASIFEM are given here.

Below we provide details of installing the external packages by using EASIFEM cli.


The easiest way to install the above-mentioned external packages is through EASIFEM command line application (cli).

  • First, install the application:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade easifem

Then install extpkgs by using following command.

easifem install extpkgs

You can also install individual package by using following:

easifem install openblas superlu lis metis scotch arpack fftw gtk-fortran lapack95 sparsekit gmsh toml-f
  • The packages will be stored at EASIFEM_SOURCE_DIR/extpkgs/<pkg-name>
  • The packages will be built at EASIFEM_BUILD_DIR/extpkgs/<pkg-name>
  • The packages will be installed at EASIFEM_INSTALL_DIR/extpkgs/<pkg-name>